| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
81 | 2024 | Hybridising Counterurbanisation: Lessons From Japan's Kankeijinko | Dilley, Luke; Gkartzios, Menelaos ; Kudo, Shogo; Odagiri, Tokumi |
82 | Aug-2006 | The Impact of Rail Transit Investment on the Residential Property Values in Developing Countries: The Case of Izmir Subway, Turkey | Çelik, Hüseyin Murat ; Yankaya, Uğur |
83 | 2013 | Impacts of Planners' Different Viewpoints on Optimum Land-Use Allocation | Türk, Ersin; Çelik, Hüseyin Murat |
84 | Dec-2008 | Impacts of Transportation Projects on Urban Trends in Izmir | Duvarcı, Yavuz ; Selvi, Ömer ; Günaydın, Hüsnü Murat ; Gür, Güneş |
85 | 1-Mar-2016 | In-Between Spaces and Social Interaction: a Morphological Analysis of Izmir Using Space Syntax | Can, Işın ; Heath, Tim |
86 | 1-Apr-2016 | Inflation Differentials Across Regions in Turkey | Duran, Hasan Engin |
87 | 2013 | Information and Communication Technology Sector Strategy Map of Izmir | Tuğlular, Tuğkan ; Tekir, Selma ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
88 | 2007 | Information Technologies and Urban Sapce Acase Study on Maslak, İstanbul | Geçer, Feral |
89 | 2022 | Insights for the Enhancement of Urban Biodiversity Using Nature-Based Solutions: the Role of Urban Spaces in Green Infrastructures Design | Ronchi, Silvia; Salata, Stefano |
90 | 2004 | Institutional Use of Information Technologies in City Planning Agencies: Implications From Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities | Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
91 | Sep-2007 | Integrated Modeling Approach for the Transportation Disadvantaged | Duvarcı, Yavuz ; Yiğitcanlar, Tan |
92 | Mar-2022 | Integrating Ecosystem Vulnerability in the Environmental Regulation Plan of Izmir (turkey)-What Are the Limits and Potentialities? | Salata, Stefano ; Özkavaf Şenalp, Sıla ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
93 | 2022 | The Integrating Role of Regional Spatial Planning: Five Mechanisms of Policy Integration | Bafarasat, Abbas Ziafati ; Baker, Mark; Growe, Anna |
94 | Oct-2018 | Integrating Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Natural Capital Security and Urban Ecosystem Carbon Metabolism | Demirkesen, Ali Can ; Evrendilek, Fatih |
95 | 2024 | Introducing Climate-Related Counterurbanisation: Individual Adaptation or Societal Maladaptation? | Scott, Mark; Gkartzios, Menelaos ; Halfacree, Keith |
96 | 2020 | Investigation of Groundwater Potential and Groundwater Pollution Risk Using the Multi-Criteria Method: a Case Study (the Alasehir Sub-Basin, Western Turkey) | Demirkesen, Ali Can ; Budak, Seda; Şimşek, Celalettin; Baba, Alper |
97 | 2017 | Investigation of Groundwater Recharges Mechanism in Alasehir Plain: From Physical Characterization To Modelling | Şimşek, Celalettin; Baba, Alper ; Aksoy, Niyazi; Demirkıran, Zülfü; Hasözbek, Altuğ; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Kumanlıoğlu, Ahmet; Durukan, Seda; Demirkesen, Ali Can ; Murathan, Alim; Çağıran, Ömer; Akdeğirmen, Özgün; Tonkul, Serhat |
18 | 2024 | Is Tourism Specialisation a Trap for Economic Growth? the Case of the Italian Regions | Biagi, Bianca; Duran, Hasan Engin ; Pulina, Manuela |
19 | 2005 | İmar afları sonrasında İzmir'de gecekondulaşma: Sosyo-ekonomik, mekansal bir çözümleme | Özdemir, Semahat ; Arslan Avar, Adile ; Şenol, Pervin; Sevinç Kaya, Nuray; Kutluca, Ahmet Kıvanç; Velibeyoğlu, Hasibe; Güçer, Evrim; Kompil, Mert; Yankaya, Uğur; Elvan, İrem; Bektaş, Birkan; İnce Kompil, Esin |
20 | 2021 | İzmir Narlıdere'de kentsel dönüşüm projesinin uygulanmasında gecekondu maliklerinin karşılaşabileceği sorunlar | Uysal, Ayça; Arslan Avar, Adile |