| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
181 | 2023 | Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping at the Microscale Based on the Catastrophe Progression Method | Gerçek, Deniz ; Güven, İsmail Talih |
182 | 2005 | Urban Information Systems in Turkish Local Governments | Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
183 | 2023 | An Urban Plan Evaluation for Park Accessibility: a Case in Izmir (turkiye) | Şenol, Fatma ; Öztürk, Sevim Pelin; Atay Kaya, İlgi |
4 | 2021 | Urban Protection And Renewal Dilemma: İzmir Mezarlıkbaşı | Akpınar, Figen ; Turan, Mine ; Toköz, Özge Deniz |
5 | 2020 | User Lighting Preferences Based on Navigation and Space Quality in Virtual Exhibition Environments | Çevik, Aslıhan; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tuğçe ; Duran, Hasan Engin |
6 | 2023 | User Satisfactions on Visual Comfort and View Quality Based on Colours and Opacity of Glazing To Control Daylighting | Cogul, Ilgin; Duran, Hasan Engin ; Kazanasmaz, Zehra Tugce |
7 | 2023 | Using Personal Rapid Transit as an Effective Transport Solution in Historical Downtown Areas: a Case From Historic Kemeraltı, İzmir | Duvarcı, Yavuz ; Akpınar, Figen |
8 | 2021 | The Utilization of Supervised Classification Sampling for Environmental Monitoring in Turin (italy) | Salata, Stefano |
9 | 2022 | Validity of Okun’s Law in a Spatially Dependent and Cyclical Asymmetric Context | Duran, Hasan Engin |
10 | Dec-2021 | Valuing Groundwater Heritage: the Historic Wells of Kadıovacık | Yüceer, Hülya ; Baba, Alper ; Özcan Gönülal, Yasemin ; Uştuk, Ozan ; Gerçek, Deniz ; Güler, Selen ; Uzelli, Taygun |
11 | 2011 | Variant Concept of Transportation-Disadvantaged: Evidence From Aydın, Turkey, and Yamaga, Japan | Duvarcı, Yavuz ; Yiğitcanlar, Tan; Alver, Yalçın; Mizokami, Shoshi |
12 | 1998 | Walkable Streets (evaluation of Streets in the Context of Urban Theory, Life and Form) | Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
13 | 2013 | Wedding Wear Cluster in Izmir: How Does the Creative Knowledge Ecosystem Self-Operate? | Mengi, Onur; Velibeyoğlu, Koray |
14 | Dec-2022 | Well-Being and Geography: Modelling Differences in Regional Well-Being Profiles in Case of Spatial Dependence—evidence From Turkey | Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter; Elburz, Zeynep |
15 | Aug-2009 | Women Running for Neighborhood Offices in a Turkish City: Motivations and Resources for Electoral Candidacy | Şenol, Fatma |
16 | 2017 | Youth Unemployment: Macroeconomic Causes, Consequences and Determinants | Duran, Hasan Engin |