04.02. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 701-720 of 1354 (Search time: 0.135 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7012005On the Stability of the Residual-Free Bubbles for the Navier-Stokes EquationsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan 
702Jul-2019On the Structure of Modules Defined by Opposites of Fp InjectivityBüyükaşık, Engin ; Kafkas Demirci, Gizem
7032019On the Structure of Modules Defined by SubinjectivityAltınay, Ferhat; Büyükaşık, Engin ; Durgun, Yılmaz
704May-2009On the Validity and Reliability of the (g'/g)-expansion Method by Using Higher-Order Nonlinear EquationsAslan, İsmail ; Öziş, Turgut
7052014On W-Local Modules and Rad-Supplemented ModulesBüyükaşık, Engin ; Tribak, Rachid
7062017One-Dimensional Semirelativistic Hamiltonian With Multiple Dirac Delta PotentialsErman, Fatih ; Gadella, Manuel; Uncu, Haydar
7072012An Operator Splitting Approximation Combined With the Supg Method for Transport Equations With Nonlinear Reaction TermBaysal, Onur; Tanoğlu, Gamze 
7082011Operator-Splitting Methods Via the Zassenhaus Product FormulaGeiser, Juergen; Tanoğlu, Gamze 
7092019Output Feedback Stabilization of the Linearized Korteweg-De Vries Equation With Right Endpoint ControllersBatal, Ahmet ; Özsarı, Türker 
7102022Parity of an Odd Dominating SetBatal, Ahmet 
7112021Parity, Virtual Closure and Minimality of KnotoidsGüğümcü, Neslihan ; Kauffman, Louis H.
7122003Partial Differential Equations With WebmathematicaUfuktepe, Ünal 
7132017Particle-Flow Reconstruction and Global Event Description With the Cms DetectorKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
7142010Performance and Operation of the Cms Electromagnetic CalorimeterDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
715Jan-2012Performance of ?-Lepton Reconstruction and Identification in CmsDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
7162010Performance of Cms Hadron Calorimeter Timing and Synchronization Using Test Beam, Cosmic Ray, and Lhc Beam DataDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
7172010Performance of Cms Muon Reconstruction in Cosmic-Ray EventsDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
182015Performance of Electron Reconstruction and Selection With the Cms Detector in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=8 TevKarapınar, Güler 
19Aug-2015Performance of Photon Reconstruction and Identification With the Cms Detector in Proton-Proton Collisions at ?s = 8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
202010Performance of the Cms Cathode Strip Chambers With Cosmic RaysDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler