04.02. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1301-1320 of 1354 (Search time: 0.223 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13012014Study of the Production of Charged Pions, Kaons, and Protons in Ppb Collisions at ?snn=5.02 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
13422013Study of the Underlying Event at Forward Rapidity in Pp Collisions at ?s = 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
13432019Study of the Underlying Event in Top Quark Pair Production in Pp Collisions at 13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
13442015Study of Vector Boson Scattering and Search for New Physics in Events With Two Same-Sign Leptons and Two JetsKarapınar, Güler 
13452021Study of Z Boson Plus Jets Events Using Variables Sensitive To Double-Parton Scattering in Pp Collisions at 13 TevKarapınar, Güler 
1346May-2011Study of Z Boson Production in Pbpb Collisions at ?s Nn=2.76tevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
1347Aug-2016Study of Z Boson Production in Ppb Collisions at Snn=5.02 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
13482015Study of Z Production in Pbpb and Pp Collisions at Root S(nn)=2.76 Tev in the Dimuon and Dielectron Decay ChannelsCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
13492012Sufficient Condition for Ephemeral Key-Leakage Resilient Tripartite Key ExchangeFujioka, Atsushi; Manulis, Mark; Suzuki, Koutarou; Ustaoğlu, Berkant 
13502019A Supplement To the Paper of Zayed Et Al. [optik, 170 (2018) 339-341]Aslan, İsmail 
1351Apr-2018Suppression of Excited States Relative To the Ground State in Pb-Pb Collisions at S Nn = 5.02 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
13522017Suppression of Gamma(1s), Gamma(2s), and Gamma(3s) Quarkonium States in Pbpb Collisions at Root S-Nn=2.76tevKhachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
13532009Symbolic Computation and Construction of New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions To Fitzhugh-Nagumo and Klein-Gordon EquationsÖziş, Turgut; Aslan, İsmail 
1354Nov-2014Symbolic Computation of Exact Solutions for Fractional Differential-Difference Equation ModelsAslan, İsmail 
13552009Symbolic Computations and Exact and Explicit Solutions of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Mathematical PhysicsÖziş, Turgut; Aslan, İsmail 
1356Jul-2022Taylor Wavelets Collocation Technique for Solving Fractional Nonlinear Singular PdesAghazadeh, Nasser ; Mohammadi, Amir; Tanoğlu, Gamze 
13572021A Three Dimensional Dam Break Flow: Small Time BehaviorFetahu, Elona; Yılmaz, Oğuz 
13582010Time Reconstruction and Performance of the Cms Electromagnetic CalorimeterDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
13592019Time-Evolution of Squeezed Coherent States of a Generalized Quantum Parametric OscillatorAtılgan Büyükaşık, Şirin ; Çayiç, Zehra
13602024Topology Degree Results on a G-Abc Implicit Fractional Differential Equation Under Three-Point Boundary ConditionsRezapour, Shahram; Thabet, Sabri T. M.; Rafeeq, Ava Sh.; Kedim, Imed; Vivas-Cortez, Miguel; Aghazadeh, Nasser