| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
561 | 2007 | New Casimir Energy Calculations | Ahmedov, Hadji; Duru, İsmail Hakkı |
562 | 2023 | A New Construction Method for Keystream Generators | Gül, Çağdaş; Kara, Orhun |
563 | 2024 | A New Construction Method for Keystream Generators (vol 18, Pg 3735, 2023) | Gul, Cagdas; Kara, Orhun |
564 | Aug-2009 | A New Dynamical Model of Brainstorming: Linear, Nonlinear, Continuous (simultaneous) and Impulsive (sequential) Cases | Coşkun, Hamit; Yılmaz, Oğuz |
565 | 2012 | New Mathematical Model for Finding Minimum Vertex Cut Set | Beşeri Sevim, Tina; Kutucu, Hakan ; Berberler, Murat Erşen |
566 | 2023 | A New Numerical Algorithm Based on Quintic B-Spline and Adaptive Time Integrator for Cou- Pled Burger's Equation | Çiçek, Yeşim; Gücüyenen Kaymak, Nurcan; Bahar, Ersin; Gürarslan, Gürhan; Tanoğlu, Gamze |
567 | 2023 | New Security Proofs and Complexity Records for Advanced Encryption Standard | Kara, O. |
568 | 2005 | The Newton-Wigner Localization Concept and Noncommutative Space | Mir-Kasimov, Rufat M. |
569 | 2017 | Noether Olmayan Halkalar Üzerinde Krull Schmidt Özellikleri | Ay Saylam, Başak ; Klıngler, Lee |
570 | 2012 | Non-Relativistic Lee Model in Two-Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds | Erman, Fatih ; Turgut, Osman Teoman |
571 | Aug-2014 | Nondegeneracy of the Ground State for Nonrelativistic Lee Model | Erman, Fatih ; Malkoç, Berkin; Turgut, Osman Teoman |
572 | Dec-2017 | Nonlinear Integral Equations for Bernoulli's Free Boundary Value Problem in Three Dimensions | Ivanyshyn Yaman, Olha ; Kress, Rainer |
573 | Aug-2016 | Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations on the Half-Line With Nonlinear Boundary Conditions | Batal, Ahmet ; Özsarı, Türker |
574 | 2021 | A Note on Points on Algebraic Sets | Çam Çelik, Şermin; Göral, Haydar |
575 | Sep-2010 | A Note on the (g'/g)-expansion Method Again | Aslan, İsmail |
576 | 2024 | A Note on Variants of Euler's Φ-Function | Buyukasik, Engin ; Goral, Haydar ; Sertbas, Doga Can |
577 | 2015 | Nuclear Effects on the Transverse Momentum Spectra of Charged Particles in Ppb Collisions at ?s(nn)=5.02 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
578 | Jul-2018 | Nuclear Modification Factor of D0 Mesons in Pbpb Collisions at Snn=5.02 Tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
579 | 2022 | Nuclear Modification of Y States in Ppb Collisions at Root S-Nn=5.02 Tev | Tumasyan, A.; Karapınar, Güler |
580 | 2024 | A Numerical Method Based on Legendre Wavelet and Quasilinearization Technique for Fractional Lane-Emden Type Equations | İdiz, F.; Tanoğlu, G. ; Aghazadeh, N. |