| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2003 | A1-L10 Phase Boundaries and Anisotropy Via Multiple-Order Theory for an Fcc Alloy | Tanoğlu, Gamze ; Braun, Richard J.; Cahn, John W.; McFadden, Geoffrey B. |
2 | Jul-2007 | Abelian Chern-Simons Vortices and Holomorphic Burgers Hierarchy | Pashaev, Oktay ; Gürkan, Zeynep Nilhan |
3 | Jul-2010 | The Ablowitz-Ladik Lattice System by Means of the Extended (g' / G)-Expansion Method | Aslan, İsmail |
4 | 2013 | Absolute Co-Supplement and Absolute Co-Coclosed Modules | Tütüncü, Derya Keskin ; Toksoy, Sultan Eylem |
5 | Feb-2015 | Absolutely S-Pure Modules and Neat-Flat Modules | Büyükaşık, Engin ; Durğun, Yılmaz |
6 | 2014 | Akışkan-yapı etkileşimi problemlerinde birleşik sayısal/asimtotik algoritmalar: baraj yıkımı ile oluşan akış ve diğer uygulamalar | Korobkin, Alexander; Iafrati, Alessandro; Yılmaz, Oğuz ; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Çiçek, Barış ; Kaya, Adem ; Isıdıcı, Damla |
7 | 2010 | Aligning the Cms Muon Chambers With the Muon Alignment System During an Extended Cosmic Ray Run | Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler |
8 | 2010 | Alignment of the Cms Muon System With Cosmic-Ray and Beam-Halo Muons | Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler |
9 | 2010 | Alignment of the Cms Silicon Tracker During Commissioning With Cosmic Rays | Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler |
10 | 2014 | Alignment of the Cms Tracker With Lhc and Cosmic Ray Data | Karapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali |
11 | Dec-2020 | Analysis and Application of Linearization Technique for Nonlinear Problems | İmamoğlu Karabaş, Neslişah |
12 | Mar-2006 | Analysis of a Corner Layer Problem in Anisotropic Interfaces | Alikakos, N. D.; Bates, P. W.; Cahn, J. W.; Fife, P. C.; Fusco, G.; Tanoğlu, Gamze |
33 | Jan-2015 | An Analytic Approach To a Class of Fractional Differential-Difference Equations of Rational Type Via Symbolic Computation | Aslan, İsmail |
34 | Apr-2014 | Analytic Investigation of a Reaction-Diffusion Brusselator Model With the Time-Space Fractional Derivative | Aslan, İsmail |
35 | 15-Feb-2011 | Analytic Investigation of the (2 + 1)-Dimensional Schwarzian Korteweg–de Vries Equation for Traveling Wave Solutions | Aslan, İsmail |
36 | Oct-2010 | Analytic Solutions To Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations by Means of the Extended (g'/g)-expansion Method | Aslan, İsmail |
37 | Mar-2009 | Analytic Study on Two Nonlinear Evolution Equations by Using the (g'/g)-expansion Method | Aslan, İsmail ; Öziş, Turgut |
38 | 2013 | Angular Analysis and Branching Fraction Measurement of the Decay B-0 -> K*(0)mu(+)mu(-) | Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler |
39 | 2021 | Angular Analysis of the Decay B+-> K*(892)(+)mu(+)mu(-) in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=8 Tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
40 | May-2013 | Anonymity and One-Way Authentication in Key Exchange Protocols | Goldberg, Ian; Stebila, Douglas; Ustaoğlu, Berkant |