04.02. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 341-360 of 1354 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3412015Limits on the Higgs Boson Lifetime and Width From Its Decay To Four Charged LeptonsKarapınar, Güler 
2Sep-2017Linear Wave Interaction With a Vertical Cylinder of Arbitrary Cross Section: an Asymptotic ApproachDişibüyük, Nazile Buğurcan; Korobkin, A. A.; Yılmaz, Oğuz 
32023Local Well-Posedness of the Higher-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation on the Half-Line: Single-Boundary Condition CaseAlkın, Aykut; Mantzavinos, Dionyssios; Özsarı, Türker 
42019Locally Isomorphic Torsionless Modules Over Domains of Finite CharacterSaylam, Başak Ay ; Klingler, Lee
52011Long-Range and Short-Range Dihadron Angular Correlations in Central Pbpb Collisions at Root S(nn)=2.76 TevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
62024Lower Data Attacks on Advanced Encryption StandardKara, Orhun 
72023Lung Parenchyma Segmentation From Ct Images With a Fully Automatic MethodMousavi Moghaddam, Reza; Aghazadeh, Nasser 
81-Dec-2010Madelung Representation of Damped Parametric Quantum Oscillator and Exactly Solvable Schrödinger-Burgers EquationsAtılgan Büyükaşık, Şirin ; Pashaev, Oktay 
92020Malleability and Ownership of Proxy Signatures: Towards a Stronger Definiton and Its LimitationsChatterjee, Sanjit; Ustaoğlu, Berkant 
10Feb-2013A Many-Body Problem With Point Interactions on Two-Dimensional ManifoldsErman, Fatih ; Turgut, O. Teoman
115-Jul-2016Material Derivatives of Boundary Integral Operators in Electromagnetism and Application To Inverse Scattering ProblemsIvanyshyn Yaman, Olha ; Louër, Frederique Le
122005Mathematica Applications on Time ScalesYantır, Ahmet; Ufuktepe, Ünal 
13Mar-2011Mathematical Models of the Bandpass Problem and Ordermatic Computer GameNuriyev, Urfat G.; Kutucu, Hakan ; Kurt, Mehmet
142020Max-Projective ModulesAlagöz, Yusuf ; Büyükaşık, Engin 
152023Maximally Entangled Two-Qutrit Quantum Information States and De Gua’s Theorem for TetrahedronPashaev, Oktay 
162006Measure on Time Scales With MathematicaUfuktepe, Ünal ; Yantır, Ahmet
17Mar-2017Measurement and Qcd Analysis of Double-Differential Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Pp Collisions at ?s=8 Tev and Cross Section Ratios To 2.76 and 7 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
18Jun-2018Measurement of Angular Parameters From the Decay B0›k*0µ+µ-In Proton–proton Collisions at S=8tevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
192019Measurement of Anisotropic Flow in Xexe Collisions at 5.44 Tev With the Cms ExperimentKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
202013Measurement of Associated Production of Vector Bosons and Top Quark-Antiquark Pairs in Pp Collisions at Root S=7 TevKarapınar, Güler