| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
261 | 2019 | The Frequency Function and Its Connections To the Lebesgue Points and the Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Function | Temur, Faruk |
262 | Oct-2016 | From Q-Analytic Functions To Double Q-Analytic Hermite Binomials and Q-Traveling Waves | Nalcı Tümer, Şengül; Pashaev, Oktay |
263 | 2012 | A Fully Discrete ?-Uniform Method for Convection-Diffusion Problem on Equidistant Meshes | Filiz, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Ekici, Mehmet |
264 | Jan-2012 | A Fully Discrete ?-Uniform Method for Singular Perturbation Problems on Equidistant Meshes | Filiz, Ali; Neslitürk, Ali ; Şendur, Ali |
305 | 2019 | Genel Dispersiyona Sahip Doğrusal Olmayan İntegrallenebilen Sistemler ve Dinamik Kuantum Simetrileri | Pashaev, Oktay ; Büyükaşık, Şirin Atılgan |
306 | Oct-2010 | Generalized Solitary and Periodic Wave Solutions To a (2 + 1)-Dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation | Aslan, İsmail |
307 | 2015 | Geometric Representations and Symmetries of Graphs, Maps and Other Discrete Structures and Applications in Science | Bıyıkoğlu, Türker ; Özkahya, Lale |
308 | 2017 | Ginzburg - Landau denklemlerinin dinamik sınır koşulları altında çözümlerinin analizi | Özsarı, Türker |
309 | Jan-2012 | Golden quantum oscillator and Binet-Fibonacci calculus | Pashaev, Oktay ; Nalcı, Şengül |
310 | 2004 | Graph Coloring With Webmathematica | Ufuktepe, Ünal ; Bacak, Gökşen; Beşeri Sevim, Tina |
311 | 2020 | Green's Function Formulation of Multiple Nonlinear Dirac Delta-Function Potential in One Dimension | Erman, Fatih ; Uncu, Haydar |
312 | 2022 | The Green-Tao Theorem and the Infinitude of Primes in Domains | Göral, Haydar ; Özcan, Hikmet Burak; Sertbaş, Doğa Can |
313 | 2020 | The Group of Invertible Ideals of a Prufer Ring | Saylam, Başak Ay |
314 | May-2011 | Hamiltonian Dynamics of N Vortices in Concentric Annular Region | Pashaev, Oktay ; Yılmaz, Oğuz |
1175 | 2021 | Hard color-singlet exchange in dijet events in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV | Karapınar, Güler |
1176 | Feb-2014 | Hereditary Rings With Countably Generated Cotorsion Envelope | Guil Asensio, Pedro A.; Pusat, Dilek |
1177 | Aug-2011 | Higher Order Operator Splitting Methods Via Zassenhaus Product Formula: Theory and Applications | Geiser, Jürgen; Tanoğlu, Gamze ; Gücüyenen, Nuran |
1178 | 2009 | Hipokampüsün El ve Atlas Tabanlı Otomatik Bölütlenmesinin Hacimsel Olarak Karşılaştırılması | Kutucu, Hakan ; Eker, Çağdaş; Kitiş, Ömer; Gönül, Ali Saffet |
1179 | 2023 | Hirota Bilinear Method and Relativistic Dissipative Soliton Solutions in Nonlinear Spinor Equations | Pashaev, Oktay |
1180 | 2004 | The Hirota Method for Reaction-Diffusion Equations With Three Distinct Roots | Tanoğlu, Gamze ; Pashaev, Oktay |