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Showing results 8675 to 8694 of 9494 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2006A Symmetry for Vanishing Cosmological Constant: Another RealizationErdem, Recai 
Feb-2018Synchronisation of Alpha-Stable Levy Noisebased Random Communication SystemAhmed, Areeb ; Savacı, Ferit Acar 
2015Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat Inhibitor on Different Multiple Myeloma Cell LinesKacı, Fatma Necmiye
2015Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat on Different Multiple Myeloma Cell LinesKacı, Necmiye; Kiraz, Yağmur ; Baran, Yusuf 
2020Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Bortezomib and Methylstat on Multiple Myeloma CellsKaci, Fatma Necmiye; Kiraz, Yağmur ; Çekdemir, Demet; Baran, Yusuf 
Jun-2005Synergistic Effect of Metal Soaps and Natural Zeolite on Poly(vinyl Chloride) Thermal StabilityAtakul, Sevdiye; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
2004Synergistic Effect of Natural Zeolites on Flame Retardant AdditivesDemir, Hasan 
Sep-2005Synergistic Effect of Natural Zeolites on Flame Retardant AdditivesDemir, Hasan ; Arkış, Esen ; Balköse, Devrim ; Ülkü, Semra 
2007Synergistic Effect of Polymer-Surfactant Mixtures on the Stability of Aqueous Silica SuspensionsŞakar-Deliormanlı, Aylin 
Nov-2022Synergistic Effect of Type and Concentration of Surfactant and Diluting Solvent on the Morphology of Emulsion Templated Matrices Developed as Tissue Engineering ScaffoldsClaeyssens, Frederik; Aldemir Dikici, Betül ; Dikici, Serkan 
2004Synergistic Effect of Zinc Stearate and Natural Zeolite on Pvc Thermal StabilityAtakul, Sevdiye
2016Synteny Among Solanaceae GenomesFrary, Amy; Doğanlar, Sami ; Frary, Anne 
2009The Syntheses of Indanones and Indenones Via Rhodium Catalyzed Carbonylative Arylation of AlkynesÖzkılınç, Fatma Yelda
Jul-2015Syntheses of Novel 3,6-Dihydro and Klavuzon DerivativesKara, Murat
Jul-2015Syntheses of Novel 4'-alkyl Substituted Klavuzon DerivativesKanbur, Tuğçe 
2021Synthesis and Additive Manufacturing of Calcium Silicate Hydrate ScaffoldsOğur, Ezgi; Botti, Renata; Bortolotti, Mauro; Colombo, Paolo; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
Apr-2017Synthesis and Anticancer Activity Evaluation of New Isoindole AnaloguesKöse, Aytekin; Bal, Yıldız; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah ; Kara, Yunus
2011Synthesis and Aromatase Inhibition Properties of New Boronic Acid Chalcone DerivativesTaç, Doğan
2020Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Chloro/Acetoxy Substituted Isoindole Analogues as New Tyrosine Kinase InhibitorsKöse, Aytekin; Kaya, Meltem; HorasanKishalı, Nurhan; Akdemir, Atilla; Şahin, Ertan; Kara, Yunus; Şanlı Mohamed, Gülşah 
1999Synthesis and Characterization of a New Mono-Molybdenated Metallo-Ligand [mo{hb(3,5-Me2c3hn2)3}(no)cl(oc 6h4pph2-P)]Topaloğlu, Işıl ; McCleverty, Jon A.