Browsing by Author Tepe, Mustafa

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Dependence of Josephson Junction Critical Current on the Deposition Rate of Yba2cu3o7-? Thin FilmsAlgül, B. P.; Avcı, İlbeyi; Akram, R.; Bozbey, Ali; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
Apr-2005Developing a Trilayer Processing Technique for Superconducting Yba 2cu3o7-? Thin Films by Using Ge Ion ImplantationAvcı, İlbeyi; Tepe, Mustafa; Öktem, Bülent; Serincan, Uğur; Turan, Raşit; Abukay, Doğan 
May-2004Effect of Deposition Conditions on Yba2cu3o 7-? Thin Films by Inverted Cylindrical Magnetron Sputtering and Substrate EffectsAvcı, İlbeyi; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
Aug-2003Effect of Pelletization Pressure on Structural Properties and Critical Current Hysteresis of Ceramic Superconducting Bi1.7pb0.3sr2ca2cu3o YTepe, Mustafa; Avcı, İlbeyi; Abukay, Doğan 
Nov-2004Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Si Ion Implanted Yba 2cu3o7-? Thin Films and MicrobridgesAvcı, İlbeyi; Tepe, Mustafa; Serincan, Uğur; Öktem, Bülent; Turan, Raşit; Abukay, Doğan 
Oct-2007Investigation of the Effect of Thermal Cycling on the Device Performance of Yba2cu3o7-? Dc-SquidsAvcı, İlbeyi; Algül, B. P.; Bozbey, Ali; Akram, R.; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
Aug-2004Investigation of the Variation in Weak-Link Profile of Yba 2cu3-Xagxo7 Superconductors by Ag Doping ConcentrationTepe, Mustafa; Avcı, İlbeyi; Koçoğlu, H.; Abukay, Doğan 
Jun-2007Selection of the Best Proper Dc-Squids in a Multi-Squid ConfigurationAvcı, İlbeyi; Akram, R.; Bozbey, Ali; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
Jun-2009Signal Performance of Dc-Squids With Respect To Ybco Thin Film Deposition RateAvcı, İlbeyi; Algül, Berrin Pınar; Akram, Rizwan; Bozbey, Ali; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan 
2007Squid magnetometre ile tahribatsız malzeme ve taramalı görüntü sistemi geliştirilmesiAbukay, Doğan ; Avcı, İlbeyi; Tepe, Mustafa
Jul-2007The Superconducting Transition Width and Illumination Wavelength Dependence of the Response of Mgo Substrate Ybco Transition Edge BolometersÖktem, B.; Bozbey, Ali; Avcı, İlbeyi; Tepe, Mustafa; Abukay, Doğan ; Fardmanesh, M.