Browsing by Author Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2017Computational Establishment of Microrna Metabolic NetworksSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu
2017Delineating the Impact of Machine Learning Elements in Pre-Microrna DetectionSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2016Differential Expression of Toxoplasma Gondii Micrornas in Murine and Human HostsAllmer, Jens ; Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Bağcı, Caner
Jan-2018The Expressed Microrna-Mrna Interactions of Toxoplasma GondiiAcar, İlhan Erkin ; Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Groß, Uwe; Allmer, Jens 
2016The Impact of Feature Selection on One and Two-Class Classification Performance for Plant MicrornasKhalifa, Waleed; Yousef, Malik; Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2017Improving the Quality of Positive Datasets for the Establishment of Machine Learning Models for Pre-Microrna DetectionSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Allmer, Jens 
2016A Machine Learning Approach for Microrna Precursor Prediction in Retro-Transcribing Virus GenomesSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Toprak, Mustafa; Allmer, Jens 
2017Mikro-RNA metabolik ağ kontrol analizi için veri ambarıSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Acar, İlhan Erkin ; Allmer, Jens 
Dec-2017On the Performance of Pre-Microrna Detection AlgorithmsSaçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Baumbach, Jan; Allmer, Jens