Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Assessing the Impact of Non-Thermal and Thermal Treatment on the Shelf-Life of Onion Juice | Demir, Hande; Yıldız, Mustafa Kemal; Becerikli, İsmail; Ünlütürk, Sevcan ; Kaya, Zehra |
Jul-2018 | Development of Different Koruk (unripe Grape) Products by Using Several Processing Techniques | Kaya, Zehra |
2011 | Disinfection of White Grape Juice by Using Continuous Flow Uv Reactor | Kaya, Zehra |
May-2015 | Effect of Uv-C Irradiation and Heat Treatment on the Shelf Life Stability of a Lemon-Melon Juice Blend: Multivariate Statistical Approach | Kaya, Zehra; Yıldız, Semanur; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
2020 | Effectiveness of Pulsed Light Treatments Assisted by Mild Heat on Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Inactivation in Verjuice and Evaluation of Its Quality During Storage | Martin Belloso, Olga; Soliva Fortuny, Robert; Kaya, Zehra; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
2020 | Impact of Pasteurization Process on the Quality and Marination Properties of Onion Juice | Kaya, Zehra; Yıldız, Mustafa Kemal; Demir, Hande; Unluturk, Sevcan ; Becerikli, İsmail |
2019 | Pasteurization of Verjuice by Uv-C Irradiation and Mild Heat Treatment | Kaya, Zehra; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |
2021 | Uv Processing and Storage of Liquid and Solid Foods: Quality, Microbial, Enzymatic, Nutritional, Organoleptic, Composition and Properties Effects | Hakgüder Taze, Bengi ; Pelvan Akgün, Merve; Yıldız, Semanur; Kaya, Zehra; Ünlütürk, Sevcan |