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Title: Impact of Pasteurization Process on the Quality and Marination Properties of Onion Juice
Authors: Kaya, Zehra
Yıldız, Mustafa Kemal
Demir, Hande
Unluturk, Sevcan
Becerikli, İsmail
Keywords: Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi
Abstract: This study aims to compare UV-C irradiation and conventional heat treatment to produce pasteurizedonion juice used as a meat marinating agent. The process conditions maximizing the inactivation oftarget microorganism Escherichia coli K-12 were; 0.5 mm sample depth, 30 min irradiation, 7.5mW/cm2 UV incident intensity for UV-C and, 74.5°C and 12 min for heat treatment. Except pH andnon-enzymatic browning index, differences between physicochemical properties of raw, UV-C andheat-treated onion juices were significant. Springiness and chewiness of unmarinated beefsteakswere higher compared to the ones marinated with the fresh and pasteurized onion juice (UV-C andheat). Pasteurization of onion juice (UV-C and heat) did not significantly affect general liking scorescompared to beefsteaks marinated in untreated onion juice.
ISSN: 2148-127X
Appears in Collections:TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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