Browsing by Author Gemili, Seyhun

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2010Development of Antioxidant Food Packaging Materials With Controlled Release PropertiesGemili, Seyhun; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
Feb-2009Development of Cellulose Acetate Based Antimicrobial Food Packaging Materials for Controlled Release of LysozymeGemili, Seyhun; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet ; Alsoy Altınkaya, Sacide 
2007Partial Purification of Hen Egg White Lysozyme by Ethanol Precipitation Method and Determination of the Thermal Stability of Its Lyophilized FormGemili, Seyhun; Umdu, Emin Selahattin; Yaprak, Nilgün; Üstok, Fatma Işık; Yener, Fatih Yalçın Güneş; Mecitoğlu Güçbilmez, Çiğdem; Altınkaya, Sacide ; Yemenicioğlu, Ahmet 
2007Preparation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Polymeric Films for Food Packaging ApplicationsGemili, Seyhun