Browsing by Author Cappa, Carola

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Jan-2022Impact of Raw, Roasted and Dehulled Chickpea Flours on Technological and Nutritional Characteristics of Gluten-Free BreadKahraman, Gökçen ; Harsa, Hayriye Şebnem ; Casiraghi, Maria Cristina; Lucisano, Mara; Cappa, Carola
Dec-2018Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of Rice-Based Gluten-Free Blends Containing Differently Treated Chickpea FloursKahraman, Gökçen ; Harsa, Şebnem ; Lucisano, Mara; Cappa, Carola
2023White Bean and Hazelnuts Flours: Application in Gluten-Free BreadTuna, Ayça; Cappa, Carola; Tokatlı, Figen ; Alamprese, Cristina