Browsing by Author Hall, Ian W.

Showing results 21 to 32 of 32 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Improving the Energy Absorption of Closed Cell Aluminum FoamsGreene, S. A.; Hall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
1999Metal Matrisli Kompozitlerin Yüksek Deformasyon Hızlarında DavranışlarıGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
Sep-2006Numerical and Experimental Studies of Damage Generation in a Polymer Composite Material at High Strain RatesTaşdemirci, Alper ; Hall, Ian W.
2010Numerical and Experimental Studies of High Strain Rate Mechanical Behavior of E-glass/Polyester Composite LaminatesTunusoğlu, Gözde; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2011Off-Axis Properties of Cross-Ply Metal Matrix Composites at Quasi-Static and High Strain RatesHall, Ian W.; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Kara, Ali 
1998Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compression Behaviour of an Fptm Alumina-Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix CompositeGüden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2001Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crushing of Empty and Foam-Filled TubesHall, Ian W.; Ebil, Özgenç ; Güden, Mustafa ; Yu, C.-J.
May-2009Quasi-Static and High Strain Rate Properties of a Cross-Ply Metal Matrix CompositeHall, Ian W.; Taşdemirci, Alper ; Derrick, J.
2003Sic-Particulate Aluminum Composite Foams Produced by Powder Compacts: Foaming and Compression BehaviorElbir, Semih; Yılmaz, Selahattin ; Toksoy, Ahmet Kaan; Güden, Mustafa ; Hall, Ian W.
2003Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Compression Testing of an Aluminum Alloy: Effect of Lubricant TypeHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa 
2004Stress Wave Propagation Effects in Two- and Three-Layered Composite MaterialsTaşdemirci, Alper ; Hall, Ian W.; Gama, Bazle A.; Güden, Mustafa 
2002Transverse and Longitudinal Crushing of Aluminum-Foam Filled TubesHall, Ian W.; Güden, Mustafa ; Claar, Terry Dennis