Browsing by Author Velibeyoğlu, Koray

Showing results 18 to 33 of 33 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Morphological Analysis of the Transformations of Konak Square in IzmirCan, Işın ; Çil, Ela ; Yaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Kılıç Çalğıcı, Pınar; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2019The Multi-Level Policy Learning of Environmental Policy: Insights From IzmirVelibeyoğlu, Koray ; Mengi, Onur
2012Organizing: Spontaneously Developed Urban Technology PrecinctsÇevikayak, Gülnur; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2017Place Management of a Creative City: the Case of IzmirMengi, Onur; Durmaz Drinkwater, Sıdıka Bahar; Öner, Aslı Ceylan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2008Queensland's Smart State Initiative: a Successful Knowledge Based Urban Development Strategy?Yiğitcanlar, Tan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2016Regional Acupuncture for İzmir Peninsula: Creating Capital Web for Creative Eco-TourismVelibeyoğlu, Koray 
2021The Rise and Fall of the Rural Creative Class: The Case of Alaçatıİnce Keller, İrem; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2008Rising Knowledge Cities: the Role of Urban Knowledge PrecinctsYiğitcanlar, Tan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Martinez-Fernandez, Cristina
2008Spatial Transformations in Istanbul Cbd: the Role of Ict?Geçer Sargın, Feral ; Avar, Adile ; Velibeyoğlu, Koray ; Saygın, Mustafa Ömür 
2024Super Citizens: the Power of Social Innovation in İzmir/TurkeyKose, Suheda; Velibeyoglu, Koray 
2019Sustainable Management of Rural-Ecological Commons: Recommendations on Edpsir Causal NetworksHazar, Dalya; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2019Teaching a Regional Landscape Project Studio in the Interdisciplinary SettingKaplan, Adnan; Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2008Understanding the Supply Side: Ict Experience of Marmara Region, TurkeyVelibeyoğlu, Koray ; Yiğitcanlar, Tan
2005Urban Information Systems in Turkish Local GovernmentsVelibeyoğlu, Koray 
1998Walkable Streets (evaluation of Streets in the Context of Urban Theory, Life and Form)Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
2013Wedding Wear Cluster in Izmir: How Does the Creative Knowledge Ecosystem Self-Operate?Mengi, Onur; Velibeyoğlu, Koray