Browsing by Author Barışık, Murat

Showing results 28 to 47 of 51 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2020Molecular Dynamics Studies on Wetting Behavior of Silicon Surfaces and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Electrolyte Solution Filled Silicon Nano-ChannelsÖzdemir, Abdullah Cihan
1-May-2015Molecular Free Paths in Nanoscale Gas FlowsBarışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali
2016Molecular Modeling of Force Driven Gas Flows in Nano-ChannelsBarışık, Murat 
Apr-2021Multiphysics Modeling of Surface Charge and Pressure-Driven Electrokinetic Flow in Micro/Nano Scale Porous MediaŞen, Tümcan 
11-Nov-2015Near-Surface Viscosity Effects on Capillary Rise of Water in NanotubesVo, Truong Quoc; Barışık, Murat ; Kim, BoHung
Jul-2020Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Zeta Potential of Different Size Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles With Different Porous PropertiesYakın, Fetiye Esin
2018Numerical Determination of Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient for an Aligned Dual Scale Porous MediumSabet, Safa ; Mobedi, Moghtada ; Barışık, Murat ; Nakayama, Akira
Jun-2015Numerical Determination of Permeability and Interfacial Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for Non-Isotropic and Periodic Dual Scale Porous MediumSabet, Safa 
Nov-2021Numerical Investigation of Gas Transport Through Micro/Nano-scale Porous Media at Slip Flow RegimeSabet, Safa 
Jul-2019Numerical Investigations of Flash-Boiling Gasoline Direct Injection SpraysOral, Orhan
2020Parametrizing Nonbonded Interactions Between Silica and Water From First PrinciplesÖzçelik, H. Gökberk; Sözen, Yiğit ; Şahin, Hasan ; Barışık, Murat 
2019Pore Connectivity Effects on the Internal Surface Electric Charge of Mesoporous SilicaŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
2020Pore Size and Porosity Dependent Zeta Potentials of Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesYakın, Fetiye Esin; Barışık, Murat ; Şen, Tümcan 
2020Roughness Effects on the Surface Charge Properties of Silica NanoparticlesAlan, B. Öykü; Barışık, Murat ; Özçelik, H. Gökberk
2018Silika Yüzeylerin Islanma Hareketlerinin Moleküler Dinamik ile ModellenmesiBarışık, Murat 
2021Size and Roughness Dependent Temperature Effects on Surface Charge of Silica NanoparticlesAlan, Büşra Öykü; Barışık, Murat 
2020Size Dependent Influence of Contact Line Pinning on Wetting of Nano-textured/Patterned Silica SurfacesÖzçelik, H. Gökberk; Satıroğlu, Ezgi; Barışık, Murat 
2018Size Dependent Surface Charge Properties of Silica Nano-Channels: Double Layer Overlap and Inlet/Outlet EffectsŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
2020Slip Effects on Ionic Current of Viscoelectric Electroviscous Flows Through Different Length Nanofluidic ChannelsŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
Jun-2015A Study on Cop Improvement of a Household Refrigerator by Using an Adsorption Heat PumpArslan, Gizem