Browsing by Author Barışık, Murat

Showing results 17 to 36 of 39 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2016Interfacial Thermal Resistance Between the Graphene-Coated Copper and Liquid WaterPham, An T.; Barışık, Murat ; Kim, Bohung
2019Internal Surface Electric Charge Characterization of Mesoporous SilicaŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
2023Investigating the Effects of Pa66 Electrospun Nanofibers Layered Within an Adhesive Composite Joint Fabricated Under Autoclave CuringEsenoğlu, Gözde ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Barışık, Murat ; İplikçi, Hande; Yeke, Melisa; Nuhoğlu, Kaan; Türkdoğan, Ceren; Martin, Seçkin; Aktaş, Engin ; Dehneliler, Serkan; Gürbüz, Ahmet Ayberk; İriş, Mehmet Erdem
1-Mar-2016Law of the Nano-Wall” in Nano-Channel Gas FlowsBarışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali
2021Local Heat Transfer Control Using Liquid Dielectrophoresis at Graphene/Water InterfacesYenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat 
Dec-2020Molecular Dynamics Studies on Heat Transfer Control Between Water and Silica Using Nanoscale Surface PatternsÖzen, Celal Can
1-May-2015Molecular Free Paths in Nanoscale Gas FlowsBarışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali
2016Molecular Modeling of Force Driven Gas Flows in Nano-ChannelsBarışık, Murat 
11-Nov-2015Near-Surface Viscosity Effects on Capillary Rise of Water in NanotubesVo, Truong Quoc; Barışık, Murat ; Kim, BoHung
2018Numerical Determination of Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient for an Aligned Dual Scale Porous MediumSabet, Safa ; Mobedi, Moghtada ; Barışık, Murat ; Nakayama, Akira
2020Parametrizing Nonbonded Interactions Between Silica and Water From First PrinciplesÖzçelik, H. Gökberk; Sözen, Yiğit ; Şahin, Hasan ; Barışık, Murat 
2019Pore Connectivity Effects on the Internal Surface Electric Charge of Mesoporous SilicaŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
2020Pore Size and Porosity Dependent Zeta Potentials of Mesoporous Silica NanoparticlesYakın, Fetiye Esin; Barışık, Murat ; Şen, Tümcan 
2020Roughness Effects on the Surface Charge Properties of Silica NanoparticlesAlan, B. Öykü; Barışık, Murat ; Özçelik, H. Gökberk
2018Silika Yüzeylerin Islanma Hareketlerinin Moleküler Dinamik ile ModellenmesiBarışık, Murat 
2021Size and Roughness Dependent Temperature Effects on Surface Charge of Silica NanoparticlesAlan, Büşra Öykü; Barışık, Murat 
2020Size Dependent Influence of Contact Line Pinning on Wetting of Nano-textured/Patterned Silica SurfacesÖzçelik, H. Gökberk; Satıroğlu, Ezgi; Barışık, Murat 
2018Size Dependent Surface Charge Properties of Silica Nano-Channels: Double Layer Overlap and Inlet/Outlet EffectsŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
2020Slip Effects on Ionic Current of Viscoelectric Electroviscous Flows Through Different Length Nanofluidic ChannelsŞen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat 
Jan-2018Surface Charge-Dependent Transport of Water in Graphene Nano-ChannelsÇelebi, Alper Tunga; Barışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali