Showing results 16 to 35 of 51
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Improving Mechanical Behavior of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints by Incorporating Reduced Graphene Oxide Added Polyamide 6,6 Electrospun Nanofibers | Yeke, Melisa; Barisik, Murat ; Tanoglu, Metin ; Ulas, M. Erdal; Nuhogu, Kaan; Esenoglu, Gozde; Iris, M. Erdem |
Jun-2016 | Interfacial Thermal Resistance Between the Graphene-Coated Copper and Liquid Water | Pham, An T.; Barışık, Murat ; Kim, Bohung |
2019 | Internal Surface Electric Charge Characterization of Mesoporous Silica | Şen, Tümcan ; Barışık, Murat |
2023 | Investigating the Effects of Pa66 Electrospun Nanofibers Layered Within an Adhesive Composite Joint Fabricated Under Autoclave Curing | Esenoğlu, Gözde ; Tanoğlu, Metin ; Barışık, Murat ; İplikçi, Hande; Yeke, Melisa; Nuhoğlu, Kaan; Türkdoğan, Ceren; Martin, Seçkin; Aktaş, Engin ; Dehneliler, Serkan; Gürbüz, Ahmet Ayberk; İriş, Mehmet Erdem |
Jul-2017 | Investigation of Liquid Transport in Micro and Nanoscale Porous Media at Different Pore To Throat Size Ratios | Kalyoncu, Gülce |
Jul-2021 | Investigations on Nanoscale Wetting, Fluid Transport, and Droplet Evaporation at Nanostructured Surfaces by Molecular Dynamics Simulations | Şatıroğlu, Ezgi |
Dec-2019 | Investigations on Surface Electric Charge of Silica Nanoparticles With Different Surface Roughnesses | Alan, Büşra Öykü |
1-Mar-2016 | Law of the Nano-Wall” in Nano-Channel Gas Flows | Barışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali |
2021 | Local Heat Transfer Control Using Liquid Dielectrophoresis at Graphene/Water Interfaces | Yenigün, Onur; Barışık, Murat |
Dec-2020 | Molecular Dynamics Studies on Heat Transfer Control Between Water and Silica Using Nanoscale Surface Patterns | Özen, Celal Can |
Jul-2021 | Molecular Dynamics Studies on Interface Heat Transfer Control Using Electric Field | Yenigün, Onur |
Jul-2019 | Molecular Dynamics Studies on Manipulation of Surface Wetting Using Nanoscale Surface Structures | Özçelik, Hüseyin Gökberk |
Jul-2020 | Molecular Dynamics Studies on Wetting Behavior of Silicon Surfaces and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Electrolyte Solution Filled Silicon Nano-Channels | Özdemir, Abdullah Cihan |
1-May-2015 | Molecular Free Paths in Nanoscale Gas Flows | Barışık, Murat ; Beşkök, Ali |
2016 | Molecular Modeling of Force Driven Gas Flows in Nano-Channels | Barışık, Murat |
Apr-2021 | Multiphysics Modeling of Surface Charge and Pressure-Driven Electrokinetic Flow in Micro/Nano Scale Porous Media | Şen, Tümcan |
11-Nov-2015 | Near-Surface Viscosity Effects on Capillary Rise of Water in Nanotubes | Vo, Truong Quoc; Barışık, Murat ; Kim, BoHung |
Jul-2020 | Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Zeta Potential of Different Size Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles With Different Porous Properties | Yakın, Fetiye Esin |
2018 | Numerical Determination of Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient for an Aligned Dual Scale Porous Medium | Sabet, Safa ; Mobedi, Moghtada ; Barışık, Murat ; Nakayama, Akira |
Jun-2015 | Numerical Determination of Permeability and Interfacial Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for Non-Isotropic and Periodic Dual Scale Porous Medium | Sabet, Safa |