Browsing by Author Tek, Neslihan

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Chromatographic Analysis for Targeted Metabolomics of Antioxidant and Flavor-Related Metabolites in TomatoGürbüz Çolak, Nergiz ; Tek, Neslihan ; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami 
2006Chromatographic Determination of Glycoalkaloids in EggplantTek, Neslihan ; Tek, Neslihan 
Jan-2008Development of Practical Hplc Methods for the Separation and Determination of Eggplant Steroidal Glycoalkaloids and Their AglyconesEanes, Ritchie C. ; Tek, Neslihan ; Kırsoy, Öyküm; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami ; Almeida, Adelia E.
2020Exploring Wild Alleles From Solanum Pimpinellifolium With the Potential To Improve Tomato Flavor CompoundsGürbüz Çolak, Nergiz ; Tek, Neslihan ; Ülger, Mehmet; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami 
2020Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Antioxidant Molecules in Tomato Fruit: Carotenoids, Vitamins C and E, Glutathione and Phenolic AcidsGürbüz Çolak, Nergiz ; Tek, Neslihan ; Ülger, Mehmet; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami 
Jun-2023Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for the Nutritional Value of Fresh Market TomatoGürbüz Çolak, Nergiz ; Tek Eken, Neslihan ; Ülger, Mehmet; Frary, Anne ; Doğanlar, Sami 
2007Patlıcanda glycoalkaloid analizi için metot geliştirilmesiEanes, Ritchie C. ; Parlayan, Filiz; Tek, Neslihan ; Akgül, Yurdanur
Jan-2008Solid-Phase Microextraction (spme) Followed by On-Fiber Derivatization of Solasodine and Solanidine Aglycones of Steroidal GlycoalkaloidsEanes, Ritchie C. ; Tek, Neslihan