Browsing by Author Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Application of Non-Targeted Analysis Methods in Adulteration Detection and Prediction of Process Parameters of VinegarsÇavdaroğlu, Çağrı 
Apr-2023Authentication of Pomegranate Juice in Binary and Ternary Mixtures With Spectroscopic MethodsAykaç, Başak; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Özen, Banu 
2023Authentication of Vinegars With Targeted and Non-Targeted MethodsÇavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Özen, Banu 
2025Comparative Performance of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in Detecting Adulteration of Apple Juice Concentrate Using Spectroscopy and Time Domain Nmr☆Cavdaroglu, Cagri ; Altug, Nur; Serpen, Arda; Oztop, Mecit Halil; Ozen, Banu 
Jun-2022Detection of Vinegar Adulteration With Spirit Vinegar and Acetic Acid Using Uv–visible and Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyÇavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Özen, Banu 
2023Development of Pro-Angiogenic Wound Dressings From 2-Deoxy (2ddr)-Loaded Decellularized Plant LeavesDikici, Serkan ; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı 
2021Multi-Scale Benchtop 1h Nmr Spectroscopy for Milk AnalysisSöyler, Alper; Çıkrıkçı, Sevil; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Bouillaud, Dylan; Farjon, Jonathan; Giraudeau, Patrick; Öztop, Mecit H.
2021Prediction of Vinegar Processing Parameters With Chemometric Modelling of Spectroscopic DataÇavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Özen, Banu 
2024Trends in Authentication of Edible Oils Using Vibrational Spectroscopic TechniquesOzen, Banu ; Cavdaroglu, Cagri ; Tokatli, Figen 
Nov-2021Use of Magic Sandwich Echo and Fast Field Cycling Nmr Relaxometry on Honey Adulteration With Corn SyrupBerk, Berkay; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı ; Grunin, Leonid; Ardelean, Ioan; Kruk, Danuta; Mazı, Bekir G.; Öztop, Halil Mecit
2022Use of Magic Sandwich Echo and Fast Field Cycling Nmr Relaxometry on Honey Adulteration With Corn SyrupBerk, B.; Cavdaroglu, C. ; Grunin, L.; Ardelean, I.; Kruk, D.; Mazi, B.G.; Oztop, M.H.
2025Year-To Differentiation of Black Tea Through Spectroscopic and Chemometric AnalysisYorulmaz, Hilal; Cavdaroglu, Cagri ; Donmez, Ozge; Serpen, Arda; Ozen, Banu