Browsing by Author Dikici, Serkan

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Ascorbic Acid Enhances the Metabolic Activity, Growth and Collagen Production of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Growing in Three-Dimensional (3d) CultureDikici, Serkan 
2021Decellularised Extracellular Matrix Decorated Pcl Polyhipe Scaffolds for Enhanced Cellular Activity, Integration and AngiogenesisDikici, Serkan ; Aldemir Dikici, Betül ; MacNeil, Sheila; Claeyssens, Frederik
Nov-2021Developing Wound Dressings Using 2-Deoxy To Induce Angiogenesis as a Backdoor Route for Stimulating the Production of Vascular Endothelial Growth FactorDikici, Serkan ; Yar, Muhammad; Bullock, Anthony J.; Shepherd, Joanna; Roman, Sabiniano; MacNeil, Sheila
2023Development of Pro-Angiogenic Wound Dressings From 2-Deoxy (2ddr)-Loaded Decellularized Plant LeavesDikici, Serkan ; Çavdaroğlu, Çağrı 
2023Development of Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts From Decellularized Parsley StemsÇevik, Merve; Dikici, Serkan 
2024Engineering Periodontal Tissue Interfaces Using Multiphasic Scaffolds and Membranes for Guided Bone and Tissue RegenerationOzkendir, Ozgu; Karaca, Ilayda; Cullu, Selin; Yasar, Huesniye Nur; Erdogan, Ogul Can; Dikici, Serkan ; Dikici, Betul Aldemir 
2024Enhancing Wound Regeneration Potential of Fibroblasts Using Ascorbic Acid-Loaded Decellularized Baby Spinach LeavesDikici, Serkan 
Jun-2023In Vivo Bone Regeneration Capacity of Multiscale Porous Polycaprolactone-Based High Internal Phase Emulsion (polyhipe) Scaffolds in a Rat Calvarial Defect ModelAldemir Dikici, Betül ; Chen, Min-Chia; Dikici, Serkan ; Chiu, Hsien-Chung; Claeyssens, Frederik
2022A “sweet” Way To Increase the Metabolic Activity and Migratory Response of Cells Associated With Wound Healing: Deoxy-Sugar Incorporated Polymer Fibres as a Bioactive Wound PatchDikici, Serkan 
Nov-2022Synergistic Effect of Type and Concentration of Surfactant and Diluting Solvent on the Morphology of Emulsion Templated Matrices Developed as Tissue Engineering ScaffoldsClaeyssens, Frederik; Aldemir Dikici, Betül ; Dikici, Serkan 
2022Thiolene- and Polycaprolactone Methacrylate-Based Polymerized High Internal Phase Emulsion (polyhipe) Scaffolds for Tissue EngineeringAldemir Dikici, Betül ; Malayeri, Atra; Sherborne, Colin; Dikici, Serkan ; Paterson, Thomas; Dew, Lindsey; Claeyssens, Frederik