Browsing by Author Okatan, Mahmut Barış
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Chirality Switching in Ferromagnetic Nanostructures Via Nanosecond Electric Pulses | Aldulaimi, W. A. S.; Akaoğlu, C.; Şendur, Kürşat; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç |
2020 | Effect of Texture on the Electrical and Electrocaloric Properties of 0.90pb(mg1/3nb2 Relaxor Ceramics | Mensur Alkoy, Ebru; Okatan, M. Barış ; Aydın, Ecem; Kılıç, Yusuf; Mısırlıoğlu, I. Burç; Alkoy, Sedat |
2021 | Effects of Interphase Boundaries in Ginzburg-Landau One-Dimensional Model of Two-Phase States in Clamped Systems | Levanyuk, Arkady P.; Minyukov, Sergey A.; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Okatan, Mahmut Barış |
Feb-2022 | Enhancement of the Electrocaloric Effect in Pbzr0.7ti0.3o3 Ceramics Via La Doping: Driven by Phase Co-Existence or Defect Effects? | Gözüaçık, Namık Kemal; Bayır, Mustafa Çağrı; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, I. Burç; Alkoy, Sedat; Menşur Alkoy, Ebru |
2020 | Landau, Ginzburg, Devonshire and Others | Levanyuk, Arkady P.; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Barış Okatan, Mahmut |
Dec-2022 | Size Driven Barrier To Chirality Reversal in Electric Control of Magnetic Vortices in Ferromagnetic Nanodiscs | Aldulaimi, W. A. S.; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Şendur, Kürşat; Onbaşlı, Mehmet Cengiz; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç |
2021 | Temperature Dependent Electrical and Electrocaloric Properties of Textured 0.72pmn-0.28pt Ceramics* | Böbrek, İrem; Berksoy Yavuz, Ayşe; Kaya, M. Yunus; Alkoy, Sedat; Okatan, Mahmut Barış ; Mısırlıoğlu, İbrahim Burç; Mensur Alkoy, Ebru |