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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jan-2012 | Adsorption of Methylene Blue From Aqueous Solution on High Lime Fly Ash: Kinetic, Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Studies | Keleşoğlu, Serkan; Kes, Mürşide; Sütçü, Leman; Polat, Hürriyet |
Jan-1999 | Adsorption of Peo/Ppo Triblock Co-Polymers and Wetting of Coal | Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash |
Sep-2004 | Alumina/Water Suspensions in the Presence of Peo-Ppo Triblock Copolymers | Şakar Deliormanlı, Aylin ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin |
2020 | Analysis of Dilution Induced Disintegration of Micellar Drug Carriers in the Presence of Inter and Intra Micellar Species | Polat, Hürriyet ; Kutluay, Gülistan; Polat, Mehmet |
Jan-2010 | Analytical Solution of Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for Interacting Plates of Arbitrary Potentials and Same Sign | Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
5-Mar-2016 | Ancillary Effects of Surfactants on Filtration of Low Molecular Weight Contaminants Through Cellulose Nitrate Membrane Filters | Olcay, Aybike Nil; Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
Jul-2006 | Capacity and Mechanism of Phenol Adsorption on Lignite | Polat, Hürriyet ; Molva, Murat; Polat, Mehmet |
2010 | Characterization and Corrosion Performance of Γ-Glycidoxyropyltrimethoxsilane Modified Epoxy Polymer | Oturaklı, Şafak |
Mar-2002 | Characterization of Airborne Particles and Droplets: Relation To Amount of Airborne Dust and Dust Collection Efficiency | Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Chander, Subhash; Hogg, Richard |
2007 | Comparative Adsorption Studies of Heavy Metal Ions on Chitin and Chitosan Biopolymers | Keleşoğlu, Serkan |
Dec-2016 | Design of Micelle Embedded Chitosan Nanocomposites for Targeted Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs | Cihan, Esra |
Sep-2017 | Designing of Spherical Chitosan Nano-Shells With Micellar Cores for Solvation and Safeguarded Delivery of Strongly Lipophilic Drugs | Cihan, Esra; Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
Jan-2023 | Designing Robust Xylan/Chitosan Composite Shells Around Drug-Loaded Msns: Stability in Upper Git and Degradation in the Colon Microbiota | Zeybek, Nüket; Büyükkileci, Ali Oğuz ; Güleç, Şükrü ; Polat, Mehmet ; Polat, Hürriyet |
2007 | Determination of the Particle Interactions -Rheology Suface Roughness Relationship for Dental Ceramics | Kes, Mürşide |
Nov-2009 | Determination of the Particle Interactions, Rheology and the Surface Roughness Relationship for Dental Restorative Ceramics | Kes, Mürşide; Polat, Hürriyet ; Keleşoğlu, Serkan; Polat, Mehmet ; Aksoy, Gökhan |
Jul-2020 | Development of Chitosan Based Biofoams | Olcay Kurt, Aybike Nil |
Jul-2023 | Development of Doxorubicin-Loaded Liposomes Self-Assembled With Polysaccharides for Breast Cancer Therapy | Önol, Ayşenur Başar |
2024 | Development of Xylan-Coated Acid-Resistant Micellar Drug Carriers for Colon-Targeted Oral Delivery | Zeybek, Nuket; Polat, Hurriyet ; Gulec, Sukru ; Buyukkileci, Ali Oguz |
Dec-2001 | Effect of Peo/Ppo Type Triblock Copolymers on Dispersion Behaviour of Aqueous Alumina Suspensions | Şakar, Aylin M. ; Polat, Hürriyet ; Çiftçioğlu, Muhsin |
Dec-2021 | The Effect of Protein Bsa on the Stability of Lipophilic Drug (docetaxel)-Loaded Polymeric Micelles | Polat, Hürriyet ; Çevik Eren, Merve; Polat, Mehmet |