Browsing by Author Öztürk, Orhan

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Bacterial Surface, Biofilm and Virulence Properties of Listeriamonocytogenes Strains Isolated From Smoked Salmon and Fish Food Contact SurfacesSudağıdan, Mert; Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Öztürk, Orhan ; Yurt, Mediha Nur Zafer; Yavuz, Orhan; Taşbaşı, Behiye Busra; Uçak, Samet; Mavili, Zehra Seda; Çoban, Ayşen
2004Biocompatibility and Microstructural Characterization of Pvd Coated and Nitrogen Implanted Co-Cr AlloyTürkan, Uğur
Jun-2007Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus Epidermidis on Nitrogen Ion Implanted Cocrmo Alloy MaterialÖztürk, Orhan ; Sudağıdan, Mert; Türkan, Uğur
Jun-2010Cocrmo Alloy Treated by Floating Potential Plasma Assisted Nitriding and Plasma Based Ion Implantation: Influence of the Hydrogen Content and of the Ion Energy on the Nitrogen IncorporationPichon, L.; Okur, Salih ; Öztürk, Orhan ; Rivière, J. P.; Drouet, M.
Jul-2019The Effect of Metal Doping on Tio2 for Photocatalytic ApplicationsAlduran, Yeşim
Aug-2018Identifying Threading Dislocations in Cdte Films by Reciprocal Space Mapping and Defect Decoration EtchingPolat, Mustafa ; Bilgilisoy, Elif ; Arı, Ozan ; Öztürk, Orhan ; Selamet, Yusuf 
Apr-2018The Influence of Plasma-Based Nitriding and Oxidizing Treatments on the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Cocrmo Biomedical AlloyNoli, Fotini; Pichon, Luc; Öztürk, Orhan 
2015Magnetic Characterization of Expanded Austenite Phase Formed on Nitrogen Ion Implanted 316 Stainless Steel AlloyKarataş, Özgün
Jul-2011Magnetic Layer Formation on Plasma Nitrided Cocrmo AlloyÖztürk, Orhan ; Okur, Salih ; Pichon, L.; Liedke, M. O.; Riviere, Jean Paul
May-2006Metal Ion Release From Nitrogen Ion Implanted Cocrmo Orthopedic Implant MaterialÖztürk, Orhan ; Türkan, Uğur; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin 
Apr-2006Metal Ion Release From Tin Coated Cocrmo Orthopedic Implant MaterialTürkan, Uğur; Öztürk, Orhan ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin 
15-Oct-2014Mfm Imaging of Expanded Austenite Formed on 304 Ss and Cocrmo AlloysÖztürk, Orhan ; Fidan, Mehmet; Mändl, Stephan
2003Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Nitrogen Ion Implanted and Plasma Ion Nitrided Plastic Injection Mould SteelOnmuş, Ortaç
May-2009Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Nitrogen Ion Implanted Layer on 316l Stainless SteelÖztürk, Orhan 
Jun-2005Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Characterization of Nitrogen-Implanted Plastic Injection Mould SteelÖztürk, Orhan ; Onmuş, Ortaç; Willeamson, Don L.
Jun-2005Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Characterization of Plasma-Nitrided Plastic Injection Mould SteelÖztürk, Orhan ; Onmuş, Ortaç; Willeamson, Don L.
Jul-2017Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Characterization of Cdte Heterostructures on Gaas-Effect of Interface, Growth, and Annealing Conditions To Crystal QualityArı, Ozan 
2010Plazma Nitrürlenmiş Cocrmo Ortopedik Alaşım Malzemesinin Yapısal ve Kompozisyonel KarakterizasyonuÖztürk, Orhan ; Rıvıere, Jean Paul; Pichon, Luc; Okur, Serdal
Mar-2017Reciprocal Space Mapping Study of Cdte Epilayer Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on (2 1 1)b Gaas SubstratePolat, Mustafa ; Arı, Ozan ; Öztürk, Orhan ; Selamet, Yusuf 
2014Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Nitrogen Ion Implanted Stainless Steel and Cocrmo AlloysFidan, Mehmet