Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jan-2016 | A Contant Binary Systemin the Kepler Field | Şahin, Funda |
2013 | Electronic Correlations in Metalloproteins: a Quantum Monte Carlo Study | Mayda, Selma |
1-May-2016 | Electronic Structure and Correlations of Vitamin B12 Studied Within the Haldane-Anderson Impurity Model | Kandemir, Zafer ; Mayda, Selma ; Bulut, Nejat |
Nov-2017 | Electronic Structure of Cyanocobalamin: Dft+qmc Study | Mayda, Selma ; Kandemir, Zafer ; Bulut, Nejat |
Jul-2019 | Electronic Struture of Organic Molecules Containing Transition-Metal Atoms | Kandemir, Zafer |
2018 | Future Applications of Artificially-Synthesized Organic Molecules Containing Transition-Metal Atoms | Mayda, Selma ; Kandemir, Zafer ; Bulut, Nejat |
2017 | Geçiş Elementi İçeren Moleküllerin Elektronik Özelliklerinin Kuantum Monte Carlo Metodu ve Yoğunluk Fonksiyoneli Kuramını Kullanarak İncelenmesi | Bulut, Nejat |
Dec-2015 | Investigation of the Electronic Structure of the Ruthenium Dyes Used in Solar Cells by Combining Hartree-Fock Theory With the Quantum Monte Carlo Technique | Berkman, Irmak Çağlar |
Jul-2019 | Magnetic Effect in the Biological Functioning of Hemoglobin: Dft+qmc Approach Within an Effective Multi-Orbital Anderson Impurity Model | Mayda, Selma |
2020 | Magnetic Mechanism for the Biological Functioning of Hemoglobin | Mayda, Selma ; Kandemir, Zafer ; Bulut, Nejat ; Maekawa, Sadamichi |
2013 | Mapping of the Electronic Structure of Metalloproteins Onto Multi-Orbital Anderson Model Using the Density Functional Theory | Kandemir, Zafer |
Jun-2018 | Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Multi-Orbital Anderson Model Including the Su(2) Invariant Hund's Coupling | Öztarhan, Gökhan |
Aug-2010 | Quantum Renormalization of the Spin Hall Effect | Gu, Bo; Gan, Jing-Yu; Bulut, Nejat ; Ziman, Timothy; Guo, Guang-Yu; Nagaosa, Naoto; Maekawa, Sadamichi |
2013 | Sayısal çok-tanecik fiziği yöntemlerini kullanarak yüksek-sıcaklık süperiletkenleri ile manyetik yarıiletkenlerin elektronik özelliklerinin incelenmesi | Bulut, Nejat ; Mayda, Selma ; Kandemir, Zafer |
2012 | A Simple Case of D (x 2- Y 2) Pairing: Hubbard Ladder | Bulut, Nejat |
3-Mar-2015 | Spin-Spin Correlations of Magnetic Adatoms on Graphene | Güçlü, Alev Devrim ; Bulut, Nejat |
2019 | Su(2)-değişmez Hund Etkileşimi İçeren Çok-orbitalli Anderson Modeli ile Kuantum Monte Carlo Çalışması | Bulut, Nejat |