Browsing by Author Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil

Showing results 1 to 20 of 79  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Nov-2009Activated Carbon Adsorption of Fuel Oxygenates Mtbe and Etbe From Waterİnal, Fikret ; Yetgin, Senem; Aksu, Gülsüm T.; Şimşek, Selvi; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Aug-2015Air and Seawater Pollution and Air–sea Gas Exchange of Persistent Toxic Substances in the Aegean Sea: Spatial Trends of Pahs, Pcbs, Ocps and PbdesLammel, Gerhard; Audy, Ondrej; Besis, Athanasios; Efstathiou, Christos; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Kohoutek, Jiri; Kukucka, Petr; Mulder, Marie D.; Pribylova, Petra; Prokes, Roman; Rusina, Tatsiana P.; Samara, Constantini; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Taşdemir, Yücel; Vassilatou, Vassiliki; Voutsa, Dimitra; Vrana, Branislav
Jul-2015Ambient Air Persistent Organic Pollutant Monitoring, Backtrajectory Modeling, and Health Risk AssessmentGüngörmüş, Elif
Jun-2008Application of Artificial Neural Networks To Predict Prevalence of Building-Related Symptoms in Office BuildingsSofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2005Assessmanet of Exposure and Risk Associated With Trihalomethanes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking WaterKavcar, Pınar
Feb-2017Assessment and Improvement of Indoor Environmental Quality in a Primary SchoolEkren, Orhan; Karadeniz, Ziya Haktan ; Atmaca, İbrahim; Ugranlı Çiçek, Tuğba; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Toksoy, Macit 
Jan-2011An Assessment of Indoor Air Concentrations and Health Risks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Three Primary SchoolsSofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Aslan, Güler; İnal, Fikret ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun 
Jun-2013Atmospheric Concentrations and Potential Sources of Pcbs, Pbdes, and Pesticides To Acadia National ParkSofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Holsen, Thomas M.; Alexander, Colleen M.; Pagano, James J.
2021Biosorption of Methylene Blue From Water by Live Lemna MinorCan Terzi, Begüm; Gören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Ökten, Hatice Eser ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2020Bleach-Containing Automatic Toilet-Bowl Cleaners as Sources of Vocs, Associated Indoor Air Concentrations and Carcinogenic RiskAyrı, İlknur; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Gaygısız, Handan; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Sep-2019Brominated Flame Retardants in a Computer Technical Service: Indoor Air Gas Phase, Submicron (pm1) and Coarse (pm10) Particles, Associated Inhalation Exposure, and Settled DustGenişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Kurt Karakuş, Perihan Binnur; Birgül, Aşkın; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
May-2014Chitosan-Immobilized Pumice for the Removal of As(v) From WatersTuran, Dilek; Kocahakimoğlu, Cemre; Boyacı, Ezel; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Eroğlu, Ahmet Emin 
Oct-2022Countrywide Spatial Variation of Potentially Toxic Element Contamination in Soils of Turkey and Assessment of Population Health Risks for Nondietary IngestionGören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Kazancı, Yiğithan ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Sep-2019A Deterministic and Stochastic Assessment for Exposure and Risk of Arsenic Via Ingestion of Edible CropsCan Terzi, Begüm; Gündüz, Orhan ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
2014Development of a Hybrid Sorbent Composed of Natural Materials for the Removal of Arsenic From WatersYılmaz, Dilek
1998Dry Deposition Fluxes and Atmospheric Size Distributions of Mass, Al, and Mg Measured in Southern Lake Michigan During AeolosSofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Paode, Rajendra D.; Sivadechathep, Jakkris; Noll, Kenneth E.; Holsen, Thomas M.; Keeler, Gerald J.
1998Dry Deposition Fluxes and Mass Size Distributions of Pb, Cu, and Zn Measured in Southern Lake Michigan During AeolosPaode, Rajendra D.; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Sivadechathep, Jakkris; Noll, Kenneth E.; Holsen, Thomas M.; Keeler, Gerald J.
2010An Effect of Climate Change: Increased Health Risks Due To Arsenic in Drinking Water - the Case of Izmir, TurkeySofuoğlu, Sait Cemil ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun 
Dec-2021Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Ambient Air Quality and Excess Risk of Particulate Matter in TurkeyGören, Ayşegül Yağmur ; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Ökten, Hatice Eser ; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil 
Jun-2023The Effect of Military Conflict Zone in the Middle East on Atmospheric Persistent Organic Pollutant Contamination in Its NorthAyrı, İlknur; Genişoğlu, Mesut ; Sofuoğlu, Aysun ; Kurt Karakuş, Perihan B.; Birgül, Askın; Sofuoğlu, Sait Cemil