Browsing by Subject Linear control systems

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Controller Design of the Gyrostabilizer That Is Used in BoatsBozelli, Muhammed Rıza
Jan-2016Non-Linear Control of Variable-Speed Wind Turbines With Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators: a Robust Backstepping ApproachŞeker, Murat; Zergeroğlu, Erkan; Tatlıcıoğlu, Enver 
Mar-2012Optimum Seeking-Based Non-Linear Controller To Maximise Energy Capture in a Variable Speed Wind TurbineIyasere, Erhun; Salah, Mohammed; Dawson, Darren M.; Wagner, John R.; Tatlıcıoğlu, Enver