Browsing by Subject Olfaction

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Separating Normosmic and Anosmic Patients Based on Entropy Evaluation of Olfactory Event-Related PotentialsGüdücü, Çağdaş; Olcay, Bilal Orkan ; Schaefer, L.; Aziz, M.; Schriever, V. A.; Özgören, Murat; Hummel, T.
2025Temporal Electroencephalography Features Unveiled Via Olfactory Stimulus as Biomarkers for Mild Alzheimer's DiseaseOlcay, B.O.; Pehlivan, M.; Karaçalı, B. 
2024Using Chemosensory-Induced Eeg Signals To Identify Patients With <i>de Novo</I> Parkinson's DiseaseOlcay, Orkan; Onay, Fatih ; Ozturk, Guliz Akin; Oniz, Adile; Ozgoren, Murat; Hummel, Thomas; Guducu, Cagdas