Browsing "08. İYTE Tezler / IZTECH Theses & Dissertations" by Issue Date

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Trajectory prediction of moving objects by means of neural networksBarışık, Hakan
1997Reconstruction of X-ray imagesAka, Hüseyin Cüneyt
1997Image classifcation by means of pattern recognition techniquesGüzel, Cumhur
1998Polymers as design materials for toy industryÜnver, Kemal Hakan
1998Application of zeolites in biotechnology: Protein adsorptionÖzgü, Şebnem Karasu
1998Modelling of Turkey Turkish words by discrete Markov processesGüventürk, Jale
1998An investigation on airport planning and design process with sample study of Çeşme Stol PortVural Erdoğan, Şeniz
1998The revitalization and redevelopment of urban waterfrontsAydınöz, Gülnur
1998Walkable streets (Evaluation of streets in the context of urban theory, life and form)Velibeyoğlu, Koray 
1998Energy efficient urban designPeker, Zeynep
1998In the changing social structure problems of women and children who are in need of protection related with urban physicial structure and proposal for solution of this problemGirgin, Işın
1998The concept of heterogeneity and hetereo-architecture in the context of plurality in the postmodern ageKutucu, Seçkin
1998Stages and methods of creativity in an ındustrial product development (with a case study in bicyle design)Rıza, Aslan
1998A research on structural design approaches within the scope of theory and applicationKorkmaz, Koray 
1998A study on technological expression in architectureYılmaz, Ebru 
1999Zeolite based composites in energy storageNegiş, Fikri
1999Planning problems of primary schoolsAlıcıgüzel, Özden
1999Polyropylene - natural zeolite composite filmsÖzmıhçı, Filiz 
1999An operating system for data acquisition and control applicationsAyav, Tolga 
1999Preparation and determination of rheological behavioour of fine strontium titanate powder suspensionsÜnal, Uğur