Browsing "02. Fen Fakültesi / Faculty of Science" by Title

Showing results 1437 to 1456 of 2515 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2001N,N-dialkylaniline-substituted tetraethynylethenes: A new class of chromophores possessing an emitting charge-transfer state. Experimental and computational studiesGobbi, Luca; Elmacı, Nuran ; Lüthi, Hans Peter; Diederich, François
2021NAChRDB: A web resource of structure-function annotations to unravel the allostery of nicotinic acetylcholine receptorsChareshneu, Aliaksei; Pant, Purbaj; Ramos, Ravi Jose Tristao; Sehmal, David; Gökbel, Tuğrul; Ionescu, Crina-Maria; Koca, Jaroslav
Sep-2011NaCl tolerance in Lycopersicon pennellii introgression lines: QTL related to physiological responsesFrary, Anne ; Keleş, D.; Pınar, H.; Göl, Deniz; Doğanlar, Sami 
2014Naif CD4+T hücrelerinden Th17 fenotipinde efektör T hücrelerinin oluşturulması ve Th17 farklılaşmasında rol oynayan mikroRNA'ların belirlenmesiNalbant Aldanmaz, Ayten 
May-2017Nanocarriers for plant-derived natural compoundsBayraktar, Oğuz ; Erdoğan, İpek ; Köse, Merve D.; Kalmaz, Gülcan
2009Nanokompozit malzemelerin polimer ve tabakalı kil yapılardan geliştirilmesi ve karakterizasyonuTanoğlu, Metin ; Okur, Salih 
2021Nanolitography based on electrospun and etched nanofibersNoori, Aileen; Döğer, Hilal; Demirhan, Yasemin ; Özdemir, Mehtap ; Özyüzer, Lütfi ; Aygün, Gülnur ; Sağlam, Özge
2014Nanometre ölçeğinde yapışma: ğöğüs kanseri hücreleri ve normal epitel hücrelerPesen Okvur, Devrim 
Dec-2016Nanoribbons: From fundamentals to state-of-the-art applicationsYağmurcukardeş, Mehmet ; Peeters, François M.; Senger, Ramazan Tuğrul ; Şahin, Hasan 
2006Nanoscale oxide growth on Al single crystals at low temperatures: Variable charge molecular dynamics simulationsHasnaoui, A.; Politano, O.; Salazar, J. M.; Aral, Gürcan 
2010Nanotellerde ve moleküler yapılarda spin bağımlı iletkenlik ve manyetik özelliklerSenger, R. Tuğrul 
1997Native and light induced defect states in wide band gap hydrogenated amorphous silicon-carbon (a-Si1-xCx : H) alloy thin filmsGüneş, Mehmet 
Jan-2008Near infrared spectroscopic determination of diesel fuel parameters using genetic multivariate calibrationÖzdemir, Durmuş 
Mar-2007Near infrared spectroscopic determination of olive oil adulteration with sunflower and corn oilÖzdemir, Durmuş ; Öztürk, Betül 
Jun-2003The nearly-optimal Petrov-Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problemsNeslitürk, Ali İhsan ; Harari, Isaac
Jan-2016Neat-flat modulesBüyükaşık, Engin ; Durğun, Yılmaz
Aug-2015Neuraminidase-1 contributes significantly to the degradation of neuronal B-series gangliosides but not to the bypass of the catabolic block in Tay-Sachs mouse modelsTimur, Zehra Kevser ; Akyıldız Demir, Seçil; Marsching, C.; Sandhoff, R.; Seyrantepe, Volkan 
2006Neutralino dark matter in the left-right supersymmetric modelDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Frank, Mariana; Turan, İsmail
Dec-2011New approach for consideration of adsorption/desorption dataBaleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Nigmatullin, Raoul R.; Okur, Salih ; Ocakoğlu, Kasım
Dec-2012A new Boson with a mass of 125 GeV observed with the CMS experiment at the large hadron colliderCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler