Master Degree / Yüksek Lisans Tezleri : [2495] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 2495
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Baryum Camı ve Zirkonya Nanopartikül Dolgulu Reçine Bazlı Dental Kompozitlerin Mekanik ve Fiziksel Özelliklerinin AraştırılmasıÇerci, Nazife
2024Antikorlarda Konformasyonel Değişimlerin Hesaplamalı Yöntemlerle İncelenmesiAygen, Mehmet Emin
2023Investigation of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Properties of Some Green Leaf PlantsÇetin, Elif Nur
2023Gis-Based Mapping of Spatial Experiences: Case of University Students in İzmirBulut, Gülcan
2023Molecular Modelling of the Effect of Alkali Promoters on Co Adsorption and Dissociation on the Co(111) SurfaceÖzbek, Özüm
2023Preparation and Characterization of Poly-L Lactide-Natural Silica CompositesŞirvanlıoğlu, Berna
2023Transformers Using Local Attention Mappings for Long Text Document ClassificationHaman, Bekir Ufuk
2023Climate Sensitive Design Approach To Reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect: Case of Poligon Stream and Its Surroundings, İzmirTunçbilek, Leyla Nur
2023Optımızatıon Of Coolıng Energy Consumptıon And Thermal Comfort In Exıstıng Resıdentıal Buıldıngs Agaınst Clımate Change: A Case Study In Medıterranean ClımateUçaryılmaz, Sedef
2023Determination of Cadmium Bound To Whey Proteins by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy at Low PressuresYaman, İlayda
2023Drought Assessment in Afghanistan Using Remotely Sensed DataAnwari, Ezatullah
2023Modellıng And Sımulatıon Of A Doubly Fed Inductıon Generator-based Wındturbıne Under Symmetrıcal Voltage FaultÇiçek, Elif Dilara
2023Investigation of Semi-Empirical Battery Aging Models of Electric VehiclesYarımca, Gülşah
2023Investigation of Windshield Defogging and Defrosting Designs To Decrease Energy Consumption in VehiclesEdiz, Fatih
2023Molecular Evolutionary and Population Genetics Analyses of Human H1n1 Ha and Na Genes in Pandemic and Non-Pandemic YearsNaycı, Kıvanç
2023Testing Microservice ApplicationsÖztürk, Özgür
2023The Investigation of Intestinal Zinc and Glucose Metabolism Due To Increased Glucose Amount in ObesityDivrik, Bengisan
2023The Effects of Calcium on Nf-Κb Pathway in Hacat Cells Containing Connexin26 Kid Syndrome MutationsYaşarbaş, Sümeyye Şüheda
2023Development of Microfluidic Devices for Investigating Small Molecule Induced Chemotaxis of Dendritic CellsKhurram, Muhammad Maaz
2023Alternative Approaches in Urban Design in Declining Historic Areas: Case of Historic City of İzmirAfacan, Gizem
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 2495