Browsing "Phd Degree / Doktora" by Title

Showing results 371 to 390 of 515 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2018The Penetration Behavior of Repeated Hemisphere Core Sandwich Structures: an Experimental and Numerical StudyTuran, Ali Kıvanç
Jul-2022Performance Enhancement of Graphene/Silicon Based Near-Infrared Schottky PhotodiodesFidan, Mehmet
Dec-2020Performance Improvement of Composite Materials Used as Hydrogen Storage Tanks by Microstructural ModificationsAy, Zeynep 
2008The Phenomenon of the Home in Modern Culture: Transcendental Homelessness and Escape Fantasy at the Intersection of Art and DesignTalu, Nilüfer 
Jul-2015Photonic Crystal Based Spectral Filter Devices for Optical CommunicationKarakılınç, Özgür Önder
Jul-2022Photonic Crystal TextilesÇetin, Zebih
2023Phthalate Esters Degradation Mechanisms by EnzymesBalcı, Esin
Dec-2020Physics of Higher Spin FieldsSargın, Ozan 
Dec-2022Physiologic Effects of the Golden Thistle (scolymus Hispanicus L.) Hydromethanolic Extracts: Outcomes of Phytochemical Health BenefitsÖzel Taşcı, Cansu
Jun-2022Planar Geometry Estimation With Deep LearningUzyıldırım, Furkan Eren 
Feb-2017Polysaccharide Based Packaging Film for Fresh Cut ProduceŞamlı, Merve
Dec-2017Postformal Thought and Creativity in Design ProcessKaya, Nazife Aslı
2024Potent Bir Adjuvan Adayı Olan Astragalozit Vıı Kullanılarak Melanomaya Yönelik Aşı Formülasyonlarının Geliştirilmesi ve Formülasyonların Anti-tümör Etkinliklerinin Fare Kanser Modellerinde AraştırılmasıÖzefe, Nilgün Yakuboğulları
2023Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria To Produce Functional Fermented Whey With Putative Antihypertensive Properties : Enrichment Ofangiotensin–i Converting Enzyme (ace)– Inhibitory Peptides and Gamma–aminobutyric Acid (gaba)Ağırbaşlı, Zeynep
Jan-2017Pre-Clinical Trial Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Cirrhosis in a Rat ModelZeybek Kuyucu, Ayça 
Jul-2017Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Production From Hazelnut WastesSürek, Ece
2013Preparation and Characterization of Hemodialysis Membranes With Improved Biocompatibility Through Anticoagulant, Antioxidant and Enzyme ImmobilizationYaşar Mahlıçlı, Filiz
Jun-2014Preparation and Characterization of Nanoparticles as Carriers for Gene DeliveryUz, Metin
2014Preparation and Characterization of Polymeric Scaffolds for Nerve Tissue Engineering ApplicationsBüyüköz, Melda 
2010Preparation and Characterization of Resorbable Calcium Phosphate Based BioceramicsÇetin, Ali Emrah