Neurosciences / Sinir Bilimleri : [2] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Nov-2024Protocol for a Prospective, Multicentre, Cross-Sectional Cohort Study to Assess Personal Light ExposureGuidolin, Carolina; Aerts, Sam; Agbeshie, Gabriel Kwaku; Akuffo, Kwadwo Owusu; Aydin, Sema Nur; Baeza-Moyano, David; Bolte, John; Broszio, Kai; Cantarero-García, Guadalupe; Didikoğlu, Altuğ ; González-Lezcano, Roberto Alonso; Joosten-Ma, Hongli; Melero-Tur, Sofía; Tengelin, Maria Nilsson; Pérez Gutiérrez, María Concepción; Stefani, Oliver; Svensson, Ingemar; Udovičić, Ljiljana; Zauner, Johannes; Spitschan, Manuel
26-Nov-2024Assessment of the Validity and Reliability of Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale in Turkish MenAlkan, Çiğdem; Didikoğlu, Altuğ ; Çöme, Oğulcan; Yılmaz, Betül; Mevsim, Vildan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 2 of 2