04.02. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 361-380 of 1354 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3612014Measurement of Associated W Plus Charm Production in Pp Collisions at Root S=7 TevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
22018Measurement of Associated Z Plus Charm Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=8tevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
32018Measurement of B Hadron Lifetimes in Pp Collisions at Root S = 8tev (vol 78, 2018)Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
42018Measurement of B Hadron Lifetimes in Pp Collisions at Root S=8tevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
52021Measurement of B Jet Shapes in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=5.02 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
62011Measurement of Bb¯ Angular Correlations Based on Secondary Vertex Reconstruction at ?s = 7 TevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
72018Measurement of Charged Particle Spectra in Minimum-Bias Events From Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S =13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
82017Measurement of Charged Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
92020Measurement of Ckm Matrix Elements in Single Top Quark T-Channel Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13 TevKarapınar, Güler 
10Apr-2016Measurement of Differential and Integrated Fiducial Cross Sections for Higgs Boson Production in the Four-Lepton Decay Channel in Pp Collisions at ?s = 7 and 8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
112020Measurement of Differential Cross Sections and Charge Ratios for T-Channel Single Top Quark Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Mml:msqrts Mml:msqrt=13 Mml:mspace Width="0.166667em"mml:mspacete Mml:mspace Width="0.333333em"mml:mspaceKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
12Jan-2016Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Higgs Boson Production in the Diphoton Decay Channel in Pp Collisions at ?s = 8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
132019Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Inclusive Isolated-Photon and Photon Plus Jet Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13tevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
142014Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for the Production of a Pair of Isolated Photons in Pp Collisions at ?s=7tevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
15May-2017Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Top Quark Pair Production Using the Lepton+jets Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
162019Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Z Boson Pair Production in Association With Jets at Root S=8 and 13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
172018Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Z Boson Production in Association With Jets in Proton- Proton Collisions at V S=13tevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
182021Measurement of Differential Cross Sections for Z Bosons Produced in Association With Charm Jets in Pp Collisions at Root S=13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration
19Mar-2018Measurement of Differential Cross Sections in the Kinematic Angular Variable ? * for Inclusive Z Boson Production in Pp Collisions at ?s=8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
202021Measurement of Differential T(t)over-Bar Production Cross Sections in the Full Kinematic Range Using Lepton Plus Jets Events From Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13 TevKarapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration