| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
381 | 2021 | Measurement of Differential T(t)over-Bar Production Cross Sections Using Top Quarks at Large Transverse Momenta in Pp Collisions at Root S=13 Tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
382 | 2013 | Measurement of Differential Top-Quark Production Cross Sections in Pp Collisions at ?s=7 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
383 | 2015 | Measurement of Diffractive Dissociation Cross Sections in Pp Collisions at Root S=7 Tev | Karapınar, Güler |
384 | May-2011 | Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions and Search for Quark Compositeness in Pp Collisions at ?s=77tev | Karapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali |
385 | Oct-2016 | Measurement of Dijet Azimuthal Decorrelation in Pp Collisions at ?s=8tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
386 | 2022 | Measurement of Double-Parton Scattering in Inclusive Production of Four Jets With Low Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13 Tev | Tumasyan, A.; Karapınar, Güler |
387 | Nov-2016 | Measurement of Electroweak Production of a W Boson and Two Forward Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at ?s = 8 Tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
388 | 2020 | Measurement of Electroweak Production of a W Boson in Association With Two Jets in Proton-Proton Collisions at ?s=13 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
389 | 2015 | Measurement of Electroweak Production of Two Jets in Association With a Z Boson in Proton-Proton Collisions at ?s=8 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
10 | Jun-2017 | Measurement of Electroweak-Induced Production of W? With Two Jets in Pp Collisions at ?s=8 Tev and Constraints on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
11 | 2019 | Measurement of Exclusive Rho(770)(0) Photoproduction in Ultraperipheral Ppb Collisions at ?s(nn)=5.02 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
12 | 2019 | Measurement of Exclusive Upsilon Photoproduction From Protons in Ppb Collisions at ?snn=5.02 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
13 | 2022 | Measurement of Exclusive Upsilon Photoproduction From Protons in Ppb Collisions at Root S(nn) = 5.02 Tev (vol 79, 277, 2019) | Sirunyan, A. M.; Karapınar, Güler |
14 | 2014 | Measurement of Four-Jet Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=7 Tev | Karapınar, Güler |
15 | Jan-2014 | Measurement of Higgs Boson Production and Properties in the Ww Decay Channel With Leptonic Final States | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
16 | 2014 | Measurement of higher-order harmonic azimuthal anisotropy in Pbpb collisions at root S(nn)=2.76 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
17 | 2019 | Measurement of Inclusive and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections in the Diphoton Decay Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S=13 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
18 | Jul-2017 | Measurement of Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Pp and Pbpb Collisions at Sqrt(s[nn])=2.76 Tev | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
19 | 2019 | Measurement of Inclusive Very Forward Jet Cross Sections in Proton-Lead Collisions at P Snn=5:02 Tev | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
20 | 2014 | Measurement of Inclusive W and Z Boson Production Cross Sections in Pp Collisions at Root S=8 Tev | Karapınar, Güler |