Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | 3d Modelling of Surface Spreading and Underground Dam Groundwater Recharge: Egri Creek Subbasin, Turkey (vol 195, 688, 2023) | Sahin, Yavuz; Tayfur, Gokmen ; Şahin, Yavuz; Tayfur, Gökmen |
2025 | Assessing the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Meteorological Drought in Afghanistan | Tayfur, Gökmen ; Hayat, Ehsanullah; Safari, Mir Jafar Sadegh |
2024 | Chlorinated Phosphorene for Energy Application (vol 231, 112625, 2024) | Hassani, Nasim; Yagmurcukardes, Mehmet ; Peeters, Francois M.; Neek-Amal, Mehdi |
2024 | Chlorinated Phosphorene for Energy Application (vol 231, 112625, 2024) | Hassani, Nasim; Yagmurcukardes, Mehmet ; Peeters, Francois M.; Neek-Amal, Mehdi |
2018 | Correction To: Detection and Classifcation of Vehicles From Omnidirectional Videos Using Multiple Silhouettes | Karaimer, Hakkı Can; Barış, İpek; Baştanlar, Yalın |
Apr-2022 | Correction To: Enhanced Light–matter Interaction in a Hybrid Photonic–plasmonic Cavity | Gökbulut, Belkıs; İnanç, Arda; Topçu, Gökhan; Özçelik, Serdar ; Demir, Mustafa Muammer ; İnci, Mehmet Naci |
Jul-2022 | Correction To: “curved Space and Particle Physics Effects on the Formation of Bose–einstein Condensation Around a Reissner–nordstrøm Black Hole” | Erdem, Recai ; Demirkaya, Betül ; Gültekin, Kemal |
2018 | Correction: Scaffold-Free Three-Dimensional Cell Culturing Using Magnetic Levitation | Türker, Esra ; Demircak, Nida; Arslan Yıldız, Ahu |
2023 | Corrections To “massive Mimo-Noma Based Mec in Task Offloading for Delay Minimization” | Yılmaz, Saadet Simay ; Özbek, Berna |
2013 | Corrigendum To “ankos Publisher Application System and Its Impact on the E-Resource Evaluation Process” [serials Review 39 (2013) 29–36] | Bulut, Burcu; Uğur, Handan; Gürdal, Gültekin ; Holt, İlkay; Çukadar, Sami; Akbayrak, Emre H.; Çelebi, Mustafa K. |
Mar-2018 | Corrigendum To “hierarchically Porous Polymer Derived Ceramics: a Promising Platform for Multidrug Delivery Systems”[mater. Des. 140(supplement C) (2018) 37–44] | Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf ; Zeydanlı, Damla; Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Borsa, Barı Ata; Soraru, Gian Domenico |
2019 | Corrigendum To “the Importance of Boron in Biological Systems” [j. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 45 (2018) 156–162] | Uluışık, İrem; Karakaya, Hüseyin Çağlar ; Koç, Ahmet |
2019 | Corrigendum To “use of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Enzyme Catalysed Production of Ethyl Lactate” [process Biochem. 84 (2019) 53–59] | Arıkaya, Azime ; Ünlü, Ayşe Ezgi; Takac, Serpil |
2023 | Corrigendum: Bioactive Snail Mucus-Slime Extract Loaded Chitosan Scaffolds for Hard Tissue Regeneration: the Effect of Mucoadhesive and Antibacterial Extracts on Physical Characteristics and Bioactivity of Chitosan Matrix (2021 Biomed. Mater. 16 065008) | Perpelek, Merve; Tamburacı, Sedef; Aydemir, Selma; Tıhmınlıoğlu, Funda ; Baykara, Başak; Karakaşlı, Ahmet; Havıtçıoğlu, Hasan |
2022 | Cpt-Based Liquefaction Resistance of Clean and Silty Sands: a Drainage Conditions Based Approach Nurhan Ecemis (aug, 10.1007/S10518-022-01501-0, 2022) | Arık, Mustafa Sezer ; Ecemiş, Nurhan ; Monkul, Mehmet Murat; Tütüncü, Yunus Emre |
2025 | Diaph1-Deficiency Is Associated With Major T, Nk and Ilc Defects in Humans (vol 44, 175, 2024) | Azizoglu, Zehra Busra; Babayeva, Royala; Haskologlu, Zehra Sule; Acar, Mustafa Burak; Ayaz-Guner, Serife ; Okus, Fatma Zehra; Eken, Ahmet |
2024 | Effect of Mechanical Pre-Treatment on the Recovery Potential of Rare-Earth Elements and Gold From Discarded Hard Disc Drives (nov, 10.1007/S10163-024-02108-0, 2024) | Habibzadeh, Alireza; Kucuker, Mehmet Ali ; Gokelma, Mertol |
2017 | Erratum To: Introduction To the Physics of Silicene and Other 2d Materials | Cahangirov, Seymur; Şahin, Hasan ; Le Lay, Guy; Rubio, Angel |
2021 | Erratum To: Measurement of Single-Diffractive Dijet Production in Proton–proton Collisions at √s = 8 Tev With the Cms and Totem Experiments | Karapınar, Güler |
2017 | Erratum To: Tannery Wastewater Sediments Produced by Clinoptiolite/Polyacrylamide-aided Flocculation as a Clay Additive in Brick Making | Israil, L. I.; Köseoğlu, Kemal; Cengizler, H.; Polat, Hürriyet |
2009 | Erratum: the Cms Barrel Calorimeter Response To Particle Beams From 2 To 350 Gev/C (the European Physical Journal C (2009) 60 (359-373) Doi: 10.1140/Epjc | Karapınar, Güler |
2018 | Measurement of B Hadron Lifetimes in Pp Collisions at Root S = 8tev (vol 78, 2018) | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
2022 | Measurement of Exclusive Upsilon Photoproduction From Protons in Ppb Collisions at Root S(nn) = 5.02 Tev (vol 79, 277, 2019) | Sirunyan, A. M.; Karapınar, Güler |
2023 | Measurement of Prompt and Nonprompt Charmonium Suppression in Pbpb Collisions at 5.02 Tev (vol 78, 509, 2018) [2] | Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J. |
2018 | Measurements of the Pp -> Zz Production Cross Section and the Z -> 4l Branching Fraction, and Constraints on Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings at Root S = 13 Tev (vol 78, 165, 2018) | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
2024 | A New Construction Method for Keystream Generators (vol 18, Pg 3735, 2023) | Gul, Cagdas; Kara, Orhun |
2019 | Search for a New Scalar Resonance Decaying To a Pair of Z Bosons in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S = 13 Tev (vol 6, 127, 2018) | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
2021 | Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association With Avleptonically Decaying Z Boson in Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S = 13 Tev (vol 81, 13, 2021) | CMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler |
2022 | Search for New Physics in Dijet Angular Distributions Using Proton-Proton Collisions at Root S = 13tev and Constraints on Dark Matter and Other Models (vol 78, 789, 2018) | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |
2020 | Study of Dijet Events With a Large Rapidity Gap Between the Two Leading Jets in Pp Collisions at Root S = 7tev (vol 78, 242, 2018) | Karapınar, Güler ; CMS Collaboration |