Browsing by Subject
Showing results 101 to 200 of 608
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- Oksit
- Oksomolibdentrispirazolborat bileşikler
- Okul öncesi eğitim
- Okun’s law
- Olay Sıra Çizgeleri
- Older adults
- Older people--Dwellings
- Olea europaea
- Olea europaea L.
- Olea Europea L.
- Oleandrin
- Oleate
- Oleoresin capsicum
- Oleuropein
- Olfaction
- Olfactory evoked potentials trigeminal
- Olfoctometry
- Oligomer
- Oligonucleotide probe design
- oligosaccharide
- Oligosaccharides
- Oligothiophenes
- Olive
- Olive branches
- Olive cultivars
- Olive leaf
- Olive leaf extract
- Olive leaf extraction
- Olive leaves
- Olive mill wastewater
- Olive oil
- olive oil
- Olive oil adulteration
- Olive oil composition
- Olive oil industry--Turkey
- Olive oil mills--Conservation and restoration
- Olive oil mils
- Olive oil solid waste
- Olive oil--Analysis
- Olive oil--Therapeutic use
- Olive oil--Turkey
- Olive pests--Biological control of
- Olive processing
- Olive pruning waste
- Olive tree leaves
- Olive tree pruning waste
- Olive variety
- Olive--Analysis
- Olive--Therapeutic use
- OLS regression
- Oluklu bağlantılar
- Omni-directional view
- Omni-directional wheels
- Omnidirectional camera
- Omnidirectional cameras
- Omnidirectional video
- Omnidirectional vision
- Omnidirectional wheels
- OmpT
- On-board application development
- On-fiber derivatization
- On-sensor cryopreservation
- on-site assaying
- On-site observations
- Oncogenic miRNA
- Oncology
- Oncotype DX® recurrence score
- One-dimensional system
- One-step pyrolyse
- One-step pyrolysis
- One-time passwords (OTPs)
- Onkoloji
- Online clustering
- Online consultation
- Online courses
- Online detection
- Online evaluation systems
- Online farms and online filtering
- Online fashion
- Online recruitment resources
- Online Social Network
- Onosma
- Onosma L.
- Onosma species
- Onsager
- Onservation management
- Onset detection
- Ontogeny
- Ontologies
- Ontology
- Ontology based database
- Ontology development
- Ontology learning
- Oocyte
- Op2Vec
- Opacifiers
- OpeanAIREplus project