Browsing by Journal Title Urban Design International

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Exploring the Effects of Spatial and Social Segregation in University Campuses, Iztech as a Case StudyYaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Yamu, Claudia; Çil, Ela 
Mar-2022The Spatial Configuration and Publicness of the University Campus: Interaction, Discovery, and Display on De Uithof in UtrechtYaylalı Yıldız, Berna; Spierings, Bas; Çil, Ela 
2023An Urban Plan Evaluation for Park Accessibility: a Case in Izmir (turkiye)Şenol, Fatma ; Öztürk, Sevim Pelin; Atay Kaya, İlgi