Browsing by Journal Title Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2006Cern Lep Indications for Two Light Higgs Bosons and the U(1)' ModelDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Solmaz, Levent; Solmaz, Saime
Dec-2012Combined Search for the Quarks of a Sequential Fourth GenerationCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
May-2009Doubly Charged Higgsinos at the TevatronDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Frank, Mariana; Ghosh, Dilip Kumar; Huitu, Katri; Rai, Santosh Kumar; Turan, İsmail
17-Sep-2008Electric Dipole Moments in U(1)' ModelsHayreter, Alper; Sabancı, Aslı; Solmaz, Levent; Solmaz, Saime
Jan-2012Inclusive Search for Squarks and Gluinos in Pp Collisions at Root S=7 TevDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Karapınar, Güler 
Sep-2011Measurement of the Bs0 Production Cross Section With Bs0?j/? Decays in Pp Collisions at ?s=7tevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
Sep-2011Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for Isolated Prompt Photon Production in Pp Collisions at 7 TevKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
Oct-2016Measurement of the Integrated and Differential T-T Production Cross Sections for High-Pt Top Quarks in Pp Collisions at Sqrt(s)=8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
Nov-2011Measurement of the Tt¯ Production Cross Section in Pp Collisions at 7 Tev in Lepton+jets Events Using B-Quark Jet IdentificationKarapınar, Güler ; Demir, Durmuş Ali 
Jul-2005Minimal U(1)' Extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard ModelDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Kane, Gordon L.; Wang, Ting T.
Sep-2010Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Constraints on Supersymmetric U(1)?? ModelsCincioğlu, Elif; Kırca, Zerrin; Sert, Hale; Solmaz, Saime; Solmaz, Levent; Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar
2006Neutralino Dark Matter in the Left-Right Supersymmetric ModelDemir, Durmuş Ali ; Frank, Mariana; Turan, İsmail
Jun-2005Phenomenological Issues in Supersymmetry With Nonholomorphic Soft BreakingÇakır, Muammer Altan; Mutlu, Sevdiye; Solmaz, Levent
Dec-2015Production of Leading Charged Particles and Leading Charged-Particle Jets at Small Transverse Momenta in Pp Collisions at Sqrt(s) = 8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
May-2009Search for Gauge Extensions of the Mssm at the LhcAhmed, Ali; Demir, Durmuş Ali ; Frank, Mariana; Turan, İsmail
Sep-2012Search for Pair Production of First- and Second-Generation Scalar Leptoquarks in Pp Collisions at ?s=7tevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
2015Search for Resonances and Quantum Black Holes Using Dijet Mass Spectra in Proton-Proton Collisions at S =8tevKhachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Hegeman, J.
Oct-2012Search for Supersymmetry in Events With B-Quark Jets and Missing Transverse Energy in Pp Collisions at 7 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler 
2015Search for Supersymmetry With Photons in Pp Collisions at S =8tevKhachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Calvo, E.
Sep-2016Search for Two Higgs Bosons in Final States Containing Two Photons and Two Bottom Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at 8 TevCMS Collaboration; Karapınar, Güler