Browsing by Author Yapaşan, Ece
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-2010 | Electrochemical Investigation of Biomolecular Interactions Between Platinum Derivatives and Dna by Carbon Nanotubes Modified Sensors | Yapaşan, Ece; Çalışkan, Ayfer; Karadeniz, Hakan; Erdem, Arzum |
Sep-2014 | Investigation of the Spontaneous Emission Rate of Perylene Dye Molecules Encapsulated Into Three-Dimensional Nanofibers Via Flim Method | Açıkgöz, Sabriye; Demir, Mustafa Muammer ; Yapaşan, Ece; Kiraz, Alper; Ünal, Ahmet A.; İnci, Mehmet Naci |
2008 | Partieal Purification and Characterization of Lipase Enzyme From a Pseudomonas Strain | Yapaşan, Ece |