Browsing by Author Yücel, Hasan Erhan

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2013Effect of Sustained Flexural Loading on Self-Healing of Engineered Cementitious CompositesÖzbay, Erdogan; Şahmaran, Mustafa; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Lachemi, Mohamed; Li, Victor C.
Feb-2013Improving the Workability and Rheological Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites Using Factorial Experimental DesignŞahmaran, Mustafa; Bilici, Zafer; Özbay, Erdoğan; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yücel, Hasan Erhan; Lachemi, Mohamed
Aug-2011Use of Spent Foundry Sand and Fly Ash for the Development of Green Self-Consolidating ConcreteŞahmaran, Mustafa; Lachemi, Mohamed; Erdem, Tahir Kemal ; Yücel, Hasan Erhan