Browsing by Author Uysal, Erdal

Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Evaluation of Hemocytometer Parameters as Potential Biomarkers in Benign Multinodular Goiter and Papillary Thyroid CarcinomaUysal, Erdal; Ceylan, Seyit Mehmet; Sezgin, Efe ; Bakir, Hasan; Gurer, Ahmet Orhan; Aksoy, Basar; Bastemir, Mehmet
Jun-2018Factors Related To Recurrence of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: What Do We Learn From a Multicentre Study?Uysal, Erdal; Soran, Atilla; Sezgin, Efe ; Granulomatous Mastitis Study Group
2020Inflammatory Response Markers in Rats Undergoing Abdominal Surgical ProceduresKırdak, Türkay; Uysal, Erdal; Sezgin, Efe ; Çeçen, Gülce Sevdar; Cavun, Sinan
2017Is Routine Histopathological Gallbladder Examination Necessary After Cholecystectomy? Evaluation of the Results of 1366 Cholecystectomy Specimens in Single CenterUysal, Erdal; Sezgin, Efe ; Bakır, Hasan; Gürer, Ahmet; Sökücü, Mehmet
2024Targeting the Panoptosome Using Necrostatin-1 Reduces Panoptosis and Protects the Kidney Against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Model of Controlled Experimental Nonheart-Beating DonorDokur, Mehmet; Uysal, Erdal; Kucukdurmaz, Faruk; Altinay, Serdar; Polat, Sait; Batcioglu, Kadir; Yeni, Sema Nur Dokur
2022Targeting the Panoptosome With 3,4-Methylenedioxy Reduces Panoptosis and Protects the Kidney Against Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion InjuryUysal, Erdal; Dokur, Mehmet; Küçükdurmaz, Faruk; Altınay, Serdar; Polat, Sait; Batçıoğlu, Kadir; Sezgin, Efe