Browsing by Author Tokkan, Melike

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Electrical Characteristics of Low Temperature Densified Barium TitanateKaracasulu, Levent ; Tokkan, Melike; Bortolotti, Mauro; Ischia, Gloria; Adem, Umut ; Ahmetoğlu, Çekdar Vakıf 
2023Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect of P(vdf-Trfe) Nanocomposites With Ca and Sn Co-Doped Batio3 ParticlesTokkan, Melike; Demir, Mustafa M. ; Adem, Umut 
Jul-2020Ferroelectric Ceramic Polymer Nanocomposites for Electrocaloric Cooling ApplicationsTokkan, Melike