Browsing by Author Tanoğlu, Metin

Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2023Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Composite Aerospace Structures Developed by Laser Surface TreatmentNuhoğlu, Kaan
Dec-2013Design of Composite-Based Leaf Spring Systems for Automotive SectorÖztoprak, Nahit
Jul-2024Designing Composite-Based Cylindrical Structures and Manufacturing Composite Prototypes by Filament Winding MethodMartin, Seçkin
Jul-2020Desing and Production of Light-Weight Pressure Resistant Composite Tank Materials and Systems for Hydrogen StorageKartav, Osman 
Jul-2021Development and Characterization of Innovative Fiber Reinforced Prepregs and Their Composites Containing Functional FillersUz, Yusuf Can
2005Development and Characterization of Light-Weight Armor MaterialsÜnaler, Erol
2004Development and Characterization of Pmma Based Porous Materials Used for High Pressure Casting of Sanitaryware CeramicsErgün, Yelda
Jun-2023Development and Experimental Characterization of Filament Wound Hybrid Cylindrical Structures With Enhanced Thermal PropertiesÖzarslan, Dora
2011Development and Mechanical Characterization of Anti-Blast Sandwich Composites for Explosive EffectBaştürk, Suat Bahar
Jul-2019Development of Adhesively Bonded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene/Aluminum Based Fiber Metal Laminates (fmls)Türkdoğan, Ceren
Dec-2016Development of Aluminum Honeycomb Cored Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Based Sandwich StructuresOkur, Mehmet Ziya
Mar-2015Development of Antibacterial Polymer Based Nanocomposite MaterialsAbatay, Ezgi
2008Development of Carbon Black-Layered Clay/Epoxy NanocompositesPekşen Özer, Bahar Başak
Jul-2020Development of Joining Techniques for Carbon Fiber Based Polymer Matrix Compositesİplikçi, Hande
2006Development of Layered Silicate/Epoxy NanocompositeKaya, Elçin Dilek
2011Development of Liquid Armor Materials and Rheological Behavior of Shear Thickening Fluids (stfs)Erdoğan, Taner
2013Development of Liquid Body Armor SystemsÇolpankan, Oylum
2008Development of Multi and Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes (cnts) / Vinylester NanocompositesSeyhan, Abdullah Tuğrul
2013Development of Process Techniques for Composite Based Leaf Spring SystemsGüneş, Mehmet Deniz
2013Development of Radar-Absorbing Composite StructuresKangal, Serkan