Browsing by Author Pulat, Hasan Fırat

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2014Developing Cation Exchange Capacity and Soil Index Properties Relationships Using a Neuro-Fuzzy ApproachPulat, Hasan Fırat; Tayfur, Gökmen ; Yükselen Aksoy, Yeliz
Feb-2014The Effect of Soil Mineralogy and Pore Fluid Chemistry on the Suction and Swelling Behavior of SoilsPulat, Hasan Fırat; Yükselen Aksoy, Yeliz; Egeli, İsfendiyar 
2009An Experimental and Analytical Study of Various Soil Slopes in Laboratory ConditionsPulat, Hasan Fırat
2022Improvement of Strength Characteristics of a Highly Plastic Expansive Soil With Fly AshDemirci, Hasan Emre; Pulat, Hasan Fırat; Kodaz, Gaye
Dec-2011Mechanism and Modelling of Shallow Soil Slope Stability During High Intensity and Short Duration RainfallEgeli, İsfendiyar ; Pulat, Hasan Fırat
Dec-2018Numerical Investigation of Flood Induced Seepage Under LeveesSemerci, Aykut
2021Sedde Altında Taşkın Kaynaklı Sızmanın Nümerik ModellenmesiPulat, Hasan Fırat; Semerci, Aykut; Tayfur, Gökmen