Browsing by Author Iheme, Leonardo Obinna

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Automated Analysis of Phase-Contrast Optical Microscopy Time-Lapse Images: Application To Wound Healing and Cell Motility Assays of Breast CancerErdem, Yusuf Sait; Ayanzadeh, Aydın; Mayalı, Berkay; Balıkçı, Muhammed; Belli, Özge Nur; Uçar, Mahmut; Yalçın Özuysal, Özden ; Pesen Okvur, Devrim ; Önal, Sevgi; Morani, Kenan; Iheme, Leonardo Obinna; Töreyin, Behçet Uğur