Browsing by Author Ecemiş Zeren, Nurhan

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2018A Case Study on Settlement Analysis of Geothermal Power Plant FoundationElmas, Hakan
Dec-2020A Case Study: Site-Specific Seismic Response Analysis for Base-Isolated Building in DüzceEren, Volkan Gökçe 
Jun-2022Effect of Fines and Ground Acceleration on Liquefaction Resistance of Silty Sand: Numerical StudyTozburun, Batuhan
Apr-2021Effect of Fines Content on Cpt Resistance in Silty SandsArık, Mustafa Sezer 
Jun-2023Effect of Stone Column Soil Improvement on Liquefaction Resistance: Field and Numerical StudyBudak, Merve
Dec-2021Experimental Study of Sheet Pile Retaining Walls With Granulated Rubber Reinforced BackfillKhlaif, Ali Hamid Khlaif 
Nov-2021Field Investigation-Effect of Coefficient of Consolidation and Relative Density on Cone Penetration ResistanceTaneri, Hazal 
Jun-2022Influence of Soil on Cone Penetration Resistance-Shear Wave Velocity CorrelationÖrücü, Murat
Jun-2022Investigation of Liquefaction Potential of Sand-Tire Granulated Rubber Mixture That Used Around the Buried Pipes With Shake Table TestsKaraman, Mustafa 
Nov-2021Investigation on the Liquefaction Potential of Sand-Granulated Rubber Mixture That Used Around the Buried Pipes: Numerical Modeling and DevelopingValizadeh, Hadi
Jul-2019Numerical Modeling of Jet Grouting Cells To Reduce LiquefactionGürbüz, Çağdaş
Jun-2023Numerical Modeling of the Filter Sand Performance in Embankment Dam Under Static and Dynamic ConditionsKaraoğlu, Aybüke
Jun-2022Performance of Sand Granulated Rubber Mixture for Soil Stabilization Using Discrete Element Method (dem)Kadekeshova, Kuralay