Browsing by Author Dalgic,K.D.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Damage To Monumental Masonry Buildings in Hatay and Osmaniye Following the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence: the Role of Wall Geometry, Construction Quality, and Material PropertiesBozyigit,B.; Ozdemir,A.; Donmez,K.; Dalgic,K.D.; Durgut,E.; Yesilyurt,C.; Acikgoz,S.
2024Strengthening Historic Masonry Walls Using Sprayed Glass-Fibre Gypsum (gfrg) Against Settlement-Induced DamageDalgic,K.D.; Gulen,D.B.; Ozdemir,B.; Liu,Y.; Acikgoz,S.; Marasli,M.; Ilki,A.